Lee Diamond

Lee Diamond – And you Shall break forth ופרצת

chabad in Daramsala, India

Lee Diamond – And you Shall break forth ופרצת

In the mountains

Of Nepal

On the Anaporna trail

On a tree was posted

A familiar face

With a gray/white beard

And a fedora hat

None other

Than the rebbe

Of Lebovitch


Inviting all

To the Seder

In Pokhara

In distant


On a tree

On a trail

On the Everest

In Napal

The familiar face

Of a former Rebbe

Embracing all Jews

All Israelis

To be hugged again

Unto the breast

Of their people

And tradition

To leave Egypt

And to return home

To the heart.

Hundreds and sometimes


Return from the trail

Return home

Because of a call

Of one burning Heart

to another

Soul Fire spreads rapidly

And reignites the flame

The tiny flame that never

Can be extinguished

As it is the fire of

The Jewish soul

The Rebbe went

To a special  forest

To special place

And said a special prayer

And lit a special fire

And Israel was saved

His Hasidim

Go to every forest

To every place

And light that

Special fire

And pray that special


That brings us


I can never be

The torch bearer

That carries the

Secret Flame

To the four corners

Of the earth

To rekindle the

Jewish soul

Only Souls

On fire

Can climb such


Thank God

For Chabad


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