Lee Diamond – An Ode to Donald Trump
Lee Diamond – An Ode to Donald Trump
On her very base
Carved into her stone
Supporting the essence of the nation
Are the words of of the Jewish Poetess
“Give Me Your Tired , Your Poor
Your Huddled Masses Yearning to Breath Free”l
And we heard the message
We were the huddled masses
Who yearned to breath free
From programs, from blood libels
To find refuge
Her torch lighting our way.
She gave us the hope of a new world
of Freedom and of streets paved with the gold of dignity.
Where would we be if she had not taken us in?
Where would we be if we had remained in Bialystok
In Odessa in Minsk or in Pinsk
We came in our multitudes
We never looked back
We brought our families
We gave our ALL to deserve our Land of Refuge
And she smiled on us as we lived by the light of her torch!
And we smiled back at her.
The promise of redemption, had been fulfilled.
But came the War
And came the pogrom
A greater pogrom than any could imagine
The world had never known the like of it
And they extinguished her light
And they dismissed her words
And they closed her gates
As the ghetto gates were sealed
As the train doors were bolted
As they transported us to gates
Entitled “Arbeit Macht Frei”
Our painful cries were unheard
And disappeared into deathly silence.
The lady with the torch and the poetess were silenced
The land of hope and dreams and of promise
Ceased to be a light unto the nations
And ceased to be altogether.
Had she been able to shed her light
Upon Us
Had she received us– as America knew to receive
We would have been an exceedingly great nation
But Alas “Mashiach Zeit ” had not come
And we were left to expire .
By the light of a different torch
America had lost her light
As we lost our bodies and our souls which had no refuge
Yet she still stands at the gate
and her words still declare
Give me your Tired Your Poor …
The homeless tempest torn
Her torch must again be the “SHAMASH” —to light her nation and all the nations
To illuminate the path to All
Yes To All
To welcome the wretched
The Tempest Torn
To the Golden Door
Or cease to be
The Woman of Valor
Il can not imagine
A world without her
Lee Diamond – An Ode to Donald Trump
So pleased to have Rav. Diamond share his thoughts at Israel Seen.
Rabbi Lee Diamond, is based in Israel and began his unique rabbinate as an Israel Educator for the Diaspora. Rabbi Diamond has served as director of the Alexander Muss High School in Israel, and Associate Director of the Israel office of the UJR and NFTY Israel programs. He has dedicated his life to sharing the Israel he loves and creating an educational experiences for everyone visiting Israel. Rabbi Diamond’s philosophy: Israel is the stage on which I want to act out the drama of the Jewish people, its creative survival, and to affect people’s lives. When we see each other our discussion always seems to find its way to the ever changing political situation in Israel. In the end of course we come around to what is dear to the hearts of both of us: the importance of emphasizing Jewish values and ethics in our society.
Lee Diamond – An Ode to Donald Trump
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