Lee Diamond

Lee Diamond – After Growth – in the spirit of Rachel

Fields of Moshav Tzofit photo by Steve Ornstein/israelseen

Fields of Moshav Tzofit photo by Steve Ornstein/Israelseen

Lee Diamond – After Growth – in the spirit of Rachel

See the unplowed fields

Unsown with seeds

Yet they grow with pregnant wheat


The barren land gives forth

The ancient crop

Coming from forefathers and mothers


The roots are deep and ancient

Underground streams provide them

They never ceased drinking and blooming


And when the new generations

Returned after separation of 2000 years

And reunited with the awaiting Soil,

The land burst forth in an embrace of a mother

Reunited with her captive child

Returned to her ever longing heart.


Thus declared ‘Rachel” the pioneer poetess,

Her mystical awe as she met the ancient

Grain blooming anew  to welcome

And provide for the starving child.


The land is from eternity

The child eternally hers

The reunion overwhelming

The  connection restored

In an unending embrace


No longer tears of longing

But songs of a new harvest


‘Our mouths were full of laughter

And our tongues with songs  of mirth” (Psalm 126)


And so the Jewish people

And the land of Israel

Discovered each other’s potential

And Love

And embraced as the

“Re Started UP Nation of  Israel”

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