Lee Diamond – A Noun called Jew
I’m not an adjective
Not at all an “ish”
Im not relative to my
Just one of my own.
And that’s the
big difference
In Israel I’m a “Jew”
In the diaspora
I’m Jew “ish”
In the diaspora
“Jew” May be a curse
In the diaspora
“Jew” May be
self revealing
In the Diaspora
“Jew” might be embarrassing
In the diaspora “Jew”
Might be a verb
In the diaspora
“Jew” might well have
It’s own adjective
But in Israel
I’m a noun
No fear
But essence
No embarrassment
No need to
Fix the world
Only to fix myself
In Israel Im full time
In Israel I speak
As a Jew.
Wearing a Talit
On the street on Shabbat
And holiday
Or draped over
my shoulders in Bet Knesset
That’s part of my world
No self consciousness
Natural to my “noun” ness!
My daily news is
About my status
As a “Jew”
My space ship and
Potential moon landing
Are my Ethnicity
And my pride
As a “Jew”
On Purim
I’ll read about
A man called Mordechai
Who Is referred to as a Jew
Not Jewish
An Adjective can’t change
Our destiny
Only a noun
Only a “Jew”
Is whole enough
To be a JEW