An Israeli national flag and an American one are projected on a part of the walls surrounding Jerusalem’s Old City December 6, 2017. (REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
Lee Diamond – A Letter to My American Jewish Nephew
You’re correct about the article. It’s about the right of BDS to criticize Israel. Just as the ACLU supported the right of the Nazis to march in Chicago once and It was the right of Americans to protest the Vietnamese war so too it’s within the rights of anyone to criticize Israel and even to criticize the Jewish lobby which supports Israel. It’s also the right of the extreme political right (and Mr. Trump ) to support the Nazis who marched recently in Florida.
My issue is that I’m in a Jewish march of my own against those who seek the destruction of the Jewish state.
It’s my right as well to march for my cause.
Consider this:
Simple facts
Israel won a war of survival In 1967.
In that war Israel conquered the Golan, Sinai, the West Bank and Sinai.
To the victor belong the spoils!!
Yet Israel returned the Sinai to Egypt for a peace treaty
Jordan which had occupied the West Bank relinquished ownership of it to Israel for their own purposes.
Israel is now at peace with Egypt and Jordan.
Israel left Gaza in a quest for peace.
Gaza belongs to the Gazans.
Israel has no claim on Gaza!
Yet Gaza is at war with Israel.
Gaza is at war with Israel because of one thing.
Israel’s existence!
Relinquishing the victory over Gaza achieved nothing. The Gazans say It clearly.
“Israel is illegal” for them!
The West Bank leadership have declared openly that for a peace treaty with Israel, Israel must allow all Palestinians to “return home.” This is double talk .
It means the end of Jewish sovereignty.
It means agreeing to suicide.
I dislike my present government. But thank God for them
They will not allow for national suicide to either Gaza or the West Bank authority.
As a matter of fact, no future Israeli government ( left or center) would allow for such a suicide.
Thank God that Bibi is the scapegoat.
He’s my scapegoat and and yours.
He won’t allow Gaza or the PA (nor the Syrians or Lebanese Hizballah controlled government) to have us surrender our sovereignty over Israel !
Thank God for Israelis kids who
Will stand up to fight for 8 million Jews to have a home.
It’s our right. I repeat: Its our right
I repeat it’s our right to fight for our right to exist and not to commit national suicide (No less so than the right of freedom of speech for BDS and other self haters).
I’m not aware of any place in this world that will allow the Jews sovereignty over themselves in any other territory. Remember the St. Louis which wandered from port to port for a place to flee the Holocaust?
So there’s a war going on.
A war between those who call for Israel’s disestablishment and those who march for the rights of the home of the Jewish people, called Israel.
So let BDS march. Let j street scream
Let the Jewish voice for peace kvetch
In the meantime I’ve chosen the side of the Jews. You guys need to do the same!
Your father fought for the right he adored against his Japanese enemy. Me too.
I have no intention of swimming in the Mediterranean, nor of becoming the ‘wandering Jew” again.
BTW I do know how to swim and
do love to wander.
Your crazy uncle