I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Larry Levine – Jewish Privilege

Baby, White, Semitic, Supremacist privileged baby.
The left is now calling Jews part of white privilege. They cannot even determine if Jews are white or brown or black. Watch, this movement will turn against the Jews, they always do.
Jewish privilege:
I didn’t know this, but I am a privileged white Jewish man. I guess that Sephardi Jews and Ethiopian Jews don’t count in this ? I also found out that I am a racist, it is in my genes I can’t help myself, and I need to repent and beg for forgiveness.
I have to admit this was startling. I didn’t’ think that I was born to any special privilege, but this cannot be wrong, can it? After all, I read this on the internet.
I believe the first thing I need to do is buy the book “white fragility” and study this for my “I am a terrible white, racist person to the core quiz. “When I read that #jewishprivilege was trending on the sewer, they call twitter, I was not surprised
. I have written that it was only a matter of time before the purveyors of hate, the left, the cancel culture, the communists, anarchists, and the TERMINALLY STUPID WOULD GET AROUND TO BLAMING JEWS FOR EVERYTHING.
After much introspection as a person who is an MOT or member of the tribe, I have to admit that, indeed, I am privileged.
I belong to a small exclusive club of descendants of an ancient people who were first “privileged” to be slaves in Egypt.
If I remember correctly, it was not the Egyptians who lead a civil war against themselves to free us; it was the one and only G-d and Charlton Heston.In all the history books, those pyramids do not have inscriptions or statues thanking the Jews for building them.
Like Bugsy Siegel in Las Vegas, there are no museums in Egypt, no plaques, nothing to show we were the ones who made this tourist mecca.
Please correct me if I am wrong. Our slavery happened over five thousand years ago, and as far as I know, there are no accusations of “Egyptian privilege” by any generation of Jews since the Exodus. We as Jews still punished ( okay this is nto so bad ) every year by having to remember our Exodus. We are forced to eat gefilte fish, which I believe is an ancient torture device. In some cases, we spend hours going through the same story every year, year, after year, after year. This is required of us. Do the Egyptians have to do this? I DON’T THINK SO.
Jews have also been privileged to have had our homeland, and our central house of worship destroyed twice in our history, each time having our people dispersed throughout the world.
Jews killed Jesus, didn’t you know this? It doesn’t matter that Jesus was Jewish, and the Romans did it.
During the middle ages, Jews had the privilege of being blamed for the plague.
Jews had the privilege of being accused of killing Christian children by hanging them upside down and having their blood removed.Jews had the privilege of being thrown out of every country we lived in because we wouldn’t convert to Christianity.
Jews had the privilege of being expelled from Spain.Moslems also felt Jews had the privilege since Jews didn’t’ accept Mohammed’s proclamation that Jews need to convert or die; he slaughtered communities in Mecca and Medina.
Jews had the “privilege” of being permanent second class citizens in any Arab majority country they resided.The Jews of Russia and Eastern Europe also were “privileged” to have their towns overrun by Kossacks( Russian future hockey players in weird hats) who raped, burned, and murdered entire villages of Jews.
Jews also had the ultimate “privilege” of having one-third of our entire people over 6 million of us murdered by the people of Germany and Eastern Europe.
The “privileged” Jews, many religious, poor, contributors to each country they were in, had entire towns like Babi Yar in Ukraine where over 37000 women and children were lined up and shot and then pushed into pits of lime.
That was a delightful privilege.
The successful, wealthier Jews had their artwork, their holdings, their possessions stolen from them. The theft included thriving businesses, real estate, priceless works of artwork, and Jewelry.
The Germans felt Jews, in general, were so “privileged” that they kept their hair for pillows, skin for soap, and gold fillings to make Jewelry.
So, after all of these exceptional, excellent, privileges the world has bestowed on us, Jews decided that perhaps being this privileged among the world’s people was probably not such a great idea. Hence, we fought to return to our little piece of land Israel. This land, the area of our ancient ” privileged” brethren, was unkempt, dirty, and decrepit when we decided to return and make it flourish.
The world responded by letting the Jews have the privilege of a small indefensible little piece of land thinking that these privileged Jews would not last a few weeks.
Since Jews have returned to this small piece of land, they have fought six wars, had tens of thousands of missiles fired at our families, suffered boycotts, threats by rogue nations to destroy us daily.
One can understand people who endured so much, turning their hatred outward towards those who perpetrated these crimes.Our ancient people who have suffered much, have every right to resent the world and hate it yet…Jews still are charitable, always, believe in peace, bring light unto this dark earth, and don’t make excuses. After 5000 plus years we are still here.
We still endure racism, antisemitism, blood libels, oppression, yet as people, we always give back to the world.
So, I have come to the obvious conclusion.I feel PRIVILEGED to be a Jew.
Am Yisroel Chai , Israel Lives