Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

Jonathan Sacks – The Story We Tell & Rambam’s Guide for the Perplexed on the Seder Night

Jonathan Sacks – The Story We Tell & Rambam’s Guide for the Perplexed on the Seder Night


When you read the #Pesach story, you come across something so remarkable and counterintuitive, which has an important lesson for us today. On behalf of Elaine and myself, together with our office team, we wish you and your families a Chag Kasher v’Sameach.


Rambam’s Guide for the Perplexed on the Seder Night



One of Judaism’s greatest sages, Rambam (Maimonides) offers us a deeply meaningful insight into the nature of the Seder night. In showing us the difference between how we are supposed to understand Seder night first as children and then as adults, he teaches us a crucial lesson which we can all apply in our daily life. Take a break from the pre-Pesach preparation to watch this 25-minute shiur. Wishing you all a Chag kasher v’sameach!


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