Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

Jonathan Sacks – Reflections on ‘Sapiens’ & ‘The Strange Death of Europe’

Jonathan Sacks – Reflections on ‘Sapiens’ & ‘The Strange Death of Europe’

The Danger of a Society without Religion
 “In The Strange Death of Europe, Douglas Murray argues that the continent is committing suicide—in part because of the decline of religion and its replacement by a public dogma of human rights completely detached from theology. A very different book, Yuval Harari’s Sapiens: A Brief History of Mankind, likewise acknowledges the Judeo-Christian roots of liberal democracy, while putting on display its author’s contempt for religion. Discussing both books, Jonathan Sacks notes that Harari in fact demonstrates precisely the dangers of secularism against which Murray warns. “(h/t Mosaic)

I have just re-read יובל נח הררי Yuval Noah Harari​’s bestselling book ‘Sapiens’ and finished reading Douglas Murray’s (from the The Henry Jackson Society​) new, excellent and already bestselling book ‘The Strange Death of Europe’. Both have something very important to say about the state of our world. Here are a few thoughts of my own about the books and the work that needs to be done to protect our society.

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