Jonathan Sacks – Being an Inspiring Parent
Being an Inspiring Parent – Trailer
Principle 1: Give children the space to inspire us, and they will
This first video looks at how making space for our children to inspire us is one of the greatest gifts we can give them.
Principle 2: Serve God in joy if you want your children to love Judaism
This second video looks at how important it is to serve God in joy if you want your children to love Judaism.
Principle 3: Lead the way, with high ethical standards
This third video examines the importance of setting an example, living a life of high ethical ideals if you want your children to do the same.
Principle 4: No need for high walls
The fourth video explores the value in giving children a strong faith in their religion.
Principle 5: Make your Judaism sing
The fifth video discusses the role that music and song have in instilling a love of Judaism in your children.
Principle 6: Don’t just sit and learn but go and do
The sixth video discusses the importance of giving our children the space to lead if we want them to grow.
Principle 7: Be in but not of the world
The seventh video talks about the importance of being in the world but not of the world, of living by your standards and not by the standards the world might seek to impose on you.
Principle 8: Think long
The eighth video talks about the importance of teaching your children to delay instant gratification and instead to think long.
Principle 9: Give your kids the key to stability in a world of change
The ninth video talks about the importance of community and relationships in providing your children with keys to stability in a world of change.
Principle 10: Don’t expect your children to be clones of you
The tenth video talks about why parents should never seek to make their children their clones.
Principle 11: Have faith in your children and you will give them faith in themselves
The eleventh video talks about always being their for your child, no matter what the situation might be.
Principle 12: Be thankful for your children
The twelfth video talks about the power of simply being thankful for your children and appreciating what a blessing it is to be able to bring new life into this world.