By ISRAEL21c. If you run a little cottage industry – say, hair styling or computer repair – many of your potential customers are right in your neighborhood. But getting the word out can be difficult, expensive and time-consuming.
It was for this purpose that Jobniks is launching a beta app in Israel, Los Angeles and San Francisco.
obniks creates a map of goods and services being sold by people in close proximity to one another. So you can buy cakes from Jodi down the block, and Mike across the street can hire you to teach his daughter piano,” the website for the app explains.
About two years ago, Zeev Dzialoshinsky read in a local Israeli paper about a financially strapped woman peddling pastries from her own kitchen to a local restaurant. Diners liked her baking and the restaurateur ordered more, but to make enough income she had to build up her business with other area establishments as well.
Dzialoshinsky thought there must be a better way. So he recruited his entrepreneur son, Koby, to help him create a platform for micro-business owners, like the Israeli home baker, to target potential customers in their own backyards more easily.
Through an innovative geo-location app available on iOS and Android, Jobniks recognizes where you are. It lets the people you’re looking for – and the people who are looking for you — know that you’re nearby. You can chat, call and email at the touch of a button.
Initially, Jobniks was a website, but then Koby’s economist wife Ronit joined the effort and suggested that mobile offered a better way for service providers and potential clients to communicate and connect to each other, Koby Dzialoshinsky tells ISRAEL21 from Shanghai, where his architectural business Solrox is based.
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Photo: Couples Standing In Front Of Organic Food Store by Bigstock