Jack Cohen

Jack Cohen – The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and The NGO Transparency

Jack Cohen - The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and The NGO Transparency

Jack Cohen – The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and The NGO Transparency


Jack Cohen – The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and The NGO Transparency

Eyal Offenbach is an exceptionally fluent and knowledgeable lecturer, who started his series on Turkey at Netanya AACI by covering the fall of the Ottoman Empire.  He pointed out that the date of the decline of the Ottoman Empire can be specified as 1642, which was the date of the final defeat of the Ottoman Army by a Christian European coalition  at the gates of Vienna.  But, as the historian Bernard Lewis makes clear in “What went wrong: the clash between Islam and modernity in the Middle East,” the decline of the Ottoman Empire was already well advanced by this time.  One example was the defection of Mehmet (Mohammed) Ali Pasha who essentially separated Egypt from the Empire in 1867.   The designation of the Ottoman Empire as “the sick man of Europe,” was accurate, but while the British occupied Egypt in 1882 and had eyes on the rest of the Middle East, it was British policy not to accelerate the breakup of the Ottoman Empire, because they were afraid that their rivals, the Austro-Hungarians would take the Balkans and Russia would take the Dardanelles.

Nevertheless, by 1908 the Ottoman Empire was so inept, backward and corrupt that a group of the so-called Young Turks essentially carried out a coup d’etat and the Ottoman Caliph from then on was a mere figurehead.   The Young Turks were a group of military officers who had received training abroad and who had seen how far advanced the Christian West was compared to the Ottoman Empire and realized that major reforms were needed.  However, they were unable to do anything before WWI started, and since their Army was largely trained and officered by the German Army, paid for by the Ottoman State, they naturally sided with Germany in WWI.

During WWI the residual Ottoman Empire was ruled by a triumvirate of Young Turks.  They set policy and strategy, including the ultimately futile defense of Palestine from the British Army in Egypt under Gen. Allenby. After WWI, the British and French each took their share of the former Empire in the Middle East, but under Mandates that were entrusted to them by the League of Nations.  These were designed to satisfy Pres. Woodrow Wilson of the USA, who insisted that they not take these territories as colonies but would ultimately allow the native populations to achieve independence.  This included the Balfour Declaration by the British Government that recognized the right to a Jewish homeland in Palestine and the establishment of two Arab Kingdoms, one for each of the sons of the Emir Faisal of Mecca.  Since the French refused to give up Syria, the British established Transjordan in 1921 and Iraq in 1920.

Problems arose because although the Ottoman Empire was defeated, some of its Army was intact and they retreated into the hinterland of eastern Anatolia and there reorganized under their own Generals.  They were prepared to accept the terms of the British ceasefire, but a Greek Army, taking advantage of the weakness of the Ottomans, invaded Eastern Anatolia, occupied Izmir and declared it the Greek city of Smyrna.  The Greeks were encouraged by British PM Lloyd George, who was Welsh and supported self-determination of minorities, including the Greeks and the Jews.  The remaining Turkish Army then appointed Kemal Mustapha later known as Ataturk, as their Commander.  He was a member of a faction of the Young Turks and had been the successful Turkish Commander at Galipoli.

Ataturk led the Turkish Army into battle against the Greeks.   The war during 1920-23 was a bloody affair on both sides, during which many tens of thousands of Greek civilians were massacred, sharing the fate of the previous Christian Armenians of the Ottoman Empire.  Ultimately the Turks prevailed and Ataturk abolished the Ottoman Caliphate in 1922 after 623 years and declared the independence of the new Turkish Republic in 1923.  He immediately instituted many reforms to westernize Turkey, including adopting the Christian calendar, the Roman alphabet, and most significantly, declaring Turkey a secular Republic.  But, in the Middle East attitudes die hard and the Turks still largely put religion and clan before western ideas of secular democracy.   This may explain the more recent changes taking place in Turkey under Pres. Erdogan, and may also explain the current violent schisms in the Arab world.

Jack Cohen – The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and The NGO Transparency

The NGO Transparency


There has been an international furore over the Bill being considered by the Knesset, introduced by Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and supported by the Netanyahu Government, to require NGO’s to report the sources of their foreign income.  This bill results from many previous discussions and attempts to legislate the NGO’s that are mainly in the business of criticizing the Israeli Government over its security actions.  What is most disturbing about these NGO’s is that many of them are left-wing and highly critical of Israeli Govt. actions and try to limit these actions thru Israeli law.  They often characterize themselves as “humanitarian,” whereas in fact they are anti-Israeli organizations that hide their foreign support and true intentions behind the screen of humanitarian concerns.

The Israeli Govt. maintains that there is a need for more transparency in the support for these organizations, that often receive large sums from foreign Governments that are hostile to Israel, and that use them to try to undermine Israeli Govt. decisions and actions. For example, Sweden and the EU give large sums to so-called humanitarian NGO’s that are little more that pro-Palestinian fronts.  But, the liberal media has taken up the concern expressed by the Obama Administration that this Bill will inhibit freedom of speech and democracy.  This is not only manifestly untrue, but is hypocritical when one considers that the US has a far more stringent requirement for the registration of organizations as agents of foreign powers if they receive funds from abroad.  By the way, this Bill will apply to all NGO’s, including right-wing ones.  But, so far as we know there is no Government supporting the actions of right-wing Jewish NGO’s.

The current Bill will require the NGO’s to report their foreign sources of funding and only if they receive more than 50% of their funding from foreign sources will they have to register as an agent of a foreign country.  This will avoid the anomaly of a supposedly Israeli organization being funded with money from the EU, building homes for Palestinians in a disputed area where the EU is protesting construction of Israeli homes.  Or for example in the E1 area, a contested area between Jerusalem and Ma’ale Adumim, where Israel is intending to build homes, but where the EU has been secretly funding the construction of a road to enable the Palestinians to occupy parts of the area.  This is direct interference of a foreign power in the sovereign rights of the Israeli Government, and the sources of funding must be exposed.



Born in London, UK, lived in suburban Washington DC area for 30 years, moved to Israel in 1996. He has a web site: Jack’s Blog


Jack Cohen – The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and The NGO Transparency



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