The problem of rising anti-Semitism in Europe is a direct result of the influx of Muslims into Europe bringing with them their active, virulent anti-Semitism. Note that this is not merely a hatred of Israel or of Israelis, that the left in Europe has latched onto, this is basic, visceral, Islamic racial hatred of Jews.
Jack Cohen
It is mandated in the Koran and is endemic in all Muslim countries; in the recent ADL world-wide survey of anti-Semitism the Muslim countries, especially the Arab countries, had the highest levels of anti-Semitism. This may be a shock to those who think that a peaceful solution with the Arab Muslims is possible at any time in the near future.
But, why are there no anti-Semitic attacks in the Arab countries like there are in France and elsewhere. The answer is simple, because the Arab countries are judenrein, they are free of all Jews, something the Nazis aimed for in Europe during WWII. After the founding of Israel the Jews were driven in fear of their lives out of most Arab countries. From Algeria to Iraq Jews were killed, such is the hostility of all Arabs towards Jews. In the Hamas (Palestinian Muslim Brotherhood) Charter it states explicitly that all Jews should be killed wherever they are, and the “moderate” Fatah calls for the establishment of a Palestine State without Jews. Should the international community, including the USA and UK, be complicit in a two-state solution in which the Arab State of Palestine would be judenrein?
Meanwhile the flow of Jews from France continues apace, as can be clearly seen and heard in Netanya, their favorite destination in Israel. The cafes along the midrochov (pedestrian walkway) are full of French Jews, drinking cafe’ and eating croissants. There are also Ukrainian Jews, and I spoke to two of them recently, one from Crimea, who told me that Crimea is Russian, period, and another from Mariupol in south-east Ukraine, that was recently attacked by the pro-Russian forces killing about 30. He still has family living there, and they want to move away from the fighting, but don’t want to leave Ukraine. They may not have a choice.
Jews from France to Ukraine are leaving Europe and as well as going to Canada and the USA are coming to Israel. Europe will be impoverished by this exodus and Israel will be strengthened and in time the Europeans will realize that they have exchanged a violent and un-assimilable Muslim population for a productive and innovative Jewish population. It will be their loss.
Jack Cohen
Jack Cohen: Born in London, UK, lived in suburban Washington DC area for 30 years, moved to Israel in 1996. He has a web site: Jack’s Blog
Jack Cohen