The International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague is considering Palestine as a member, even though it is supposed to only be recognized states that are members, and Palestine does not qualify.
Jack Cohen
The ICC prosecutor is also investigating bringing a preliminary case against Israel for war crimes in the Gaza War last summer, at the request of Pres. Mahmud Abbas of the PA, even though the war was started by Hamas waging a massive war crime against Israel by bombarding it with ca. 100 missiles a day for weeks. Why are these things happening? Because the ICC is a UN agency that is made up of the member countries and of course it has Muslim members and Muslim prosecutors, in this case Fatou Bensouda, so it is an ambush of Israel, that is a democracy that was defending itself that certainly should not be placed in the dock.
PM Netanyahu described the decision of the ICC to investigate Israel for war crimes as “absurd,” and the US State Dept. issued a statement “strongly disagreeing” with the ICC prosecutor for opening the case against Israel. In general the US is against using the ICC for political purposes. Where this will lead is uncertain, but what is also clear is that by joining the ICC and bringing a case against Israel for war crimes, the Palestine representatives leave themselves open for war crimes cases to be brought against them. Whether this will happen or who will do it is unclear at this stage, but the obvious facts may not be enough to obtain justice for Israel in a biased and pre-judged court system.
If there is indeed a blatantly biased judgement based on Islamic prejudice against Israel rather than the facts of the case, it is likely that many countries may reduce or cancel their financial contributions to the ICC, bringing about a crisis in its existence. Another result of the action by the Palestine contingent is that Israel will take counter-measures against the PA. So far Israel has stopped paying tax revenues that it collects for the PA. This move has been criticized by the US and Europeans because it is seen as putting financial pressure on the PA. But, Israel can and probably will take much more drastic action in response to these hostile actions of the PA. Israel could refuse entry of goods from the West Bank for export via Israel’s ports. Israel could also stop the delivery of construction materials and essential food and water supplies to Gaza. The Palestinians are embarked on a hostile unilateral anti-Israel path that will in the end only be to their own detriment.
Jack Cohen
Iranian Duplicity
The Iranians are involved surreptitiously in two distant parts of the world. In Quneitra Syria, near the Golan Heights that is part of Israel, an IAF missile strike on two cars killed 12 people, including an Iranian General, Gen. Ali Allah-Dadi. According to the official Fars Iranian News Agency, there were no Iranians fighting on the side of Syria, lie no. one. They subsequently admitted that Gen. Allah-Dadi had in fact been killed in the Israeli attack. Also, killed were Jihad Mughniyeh, son of the terrorist Imad Mughniyeh, mysteriously killed in Qatar in 2008. The father was an arch-terrorist and field commander of Hizbollah, and his son was a newly appointed Hizbollah commander of the “Golan Heights Brigade” set up adjacent to Israeli territory in order to stage strikes into Israel. Another Hizbollah commander Mohammed Issa was also killed in the strike. This tremendously effective strike shows how excellent is Israeli intelligence.
In Argentina, the investigation of the bombing of the AMIA Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires in 1994 that killed 85 people, goes on, but the leading investigator Alberto Nisman, was found shot dead in his hotel room the night before he was supposed to testify in that case (In 1992 the Israel Embassy was also bombed killing 29). Nisman very controversially had implicated the current President Cristina Fernandez and her FM Hector Timmerman in a deal with Iran to overlook their involvement in that terrorist atrocity in exchange for lowered oil prices in exchange for wheat. This deal was due to be exposed by Nisman before a Parliamentary Committee investigating why the suspected Iranian terrorists on Argentine soil have never been brought to justice. Iran denies any responsibility for the bombings, lie no. two. Who would benefit from this timely murder? Both the Argentine President and the Iranians. Argentine courts had implicated 5 Iranian officials and a Lebanese in the bombings and Interpol had issued warrants for their arrests, before the Argentine Government and Iran signed an agreement in 2013 to form a “truth commission” to jointly investigate the bombings. Israel criticized this agreement as a means to cover-up the crimes and those responsible for it.
Whether or not Hizbollah will strike back at Israel for the attack in Syria is unclear, because although Head of Hizbollah Sheikh Nasrallah threatens to do so, most of Hizbollah’s forces are now fighting in Syria and in northern Lebanon to prevent the incursions of the Islamic State forces. It would undoubtedly weaken Hizbollah if the IDF were given the go-ahead to strike back at any Hizbollah strike on northern Israel. What will happen in Argentina is also unclear, the Government clearly has the power, but how a country can allow its territory to be used for terrorist bombings and then do nothing about it makes a mockery of Argentine sovereignty. Who rules in Buenos Aires, an Argentine President or the Ayatollahs of Iran?
Jack Cohen: Born in London, UK, lived in suburban Washington DC area for 30 years, moved to Israel in 1996. He has a web site: Jack’s Blog
Jack Cohen