
ITWorks – Empowering People – Women in Israel

A conference for Creating Career Opportunities in Hi-Tech for Druze Conference at Intel in Haifa. But first a few stories from the women thatITWorks has helped. About ITWorks Integrating various populations in the Israeli labor market contributes both to the labor market itself and particularly to Israeli society as a whole. IT Works has a number of programs tailored to various sectors from the mosaic of Israeli society. Our programs offer participants an essential combination of workshops and training for professional success. Participants acquire vital technological knowledge and professional tools with which to leverage oneself in the current labor market. Our programs empower participants not only to enter, but thrive in the modern hi-tech job market.

Our programs emphasize a change in self-perception in order to build confidence and poise to enter the skilled labor market. Students are taught to take personal initiative in opening the door to personal development and building a career in the hi-tech market.

Participants are also encouraged to undertake social initiatives that will contribute to their overall community. By doing so, students become ambassadors for social change and serve as examples of professional success in the technological field in their respective communities.

In addition to our courses, IT Works provides participants with extensive employment coaching. From the early stages of each program, students are assisted in professional development by our employment managers. We serve as a support network for participants and provide consulting vis-à-vis personal advancement in the hi-tech field.

IT Works has developed an extensive network of professional partnerships with Israeli media and technology companies. Employers benefit from hiring our confident, passionate and skilled program graduates. We have certified thousands of participants for work and have a high employment placement rate upon completion of our courses.

Nadia and Walla’s Stories: Mother and Daughter

Nadia and Walla are from Majer, a Druze village. Nadia is a participant in the WorkIT Program for Druze without academic degrees. Walla, age 21, is a participant in the ExcelHT Program for outstanding Druze students.

Nadia explains her experience in WorkIT: At first I hesitated to join the program because I was afraid of failure. It has been a long time since I finished school, and I did not have much computer knowledge. But, I finally decided to overcome my fears and now I am proud of myself. I’ve succeeded on tests and acquired vast computer knowledge – including assembly, hardware and software, as well as being comfortable with the Internet. I hope to enter the workforce and support myself economically and grow socially. I am grateful to IT Works, especially Maya and the instructors. Of course I also appreciate the support of my wonderful daughter Walla and my husband.

Walla shares her experience: I will never forget the day I went to be interviewed for ExcelHT, where I did everything to persuade IT Works that I would be a great asset to the program. When I received the call from Michal saying that I had been accepted, I felt like the happiest person in the world. The program gave me a tremendous opportunity. We learned skills that I had not previously known, like leadership skills, work preparation, and management strategies. Because I am still a student, I had not been exposed to these subjects. I had been interested in the high-tech world, but did not know how my math skills could advance my career. I am grateful to Maya, who helped me throughout the process of the program. For me, joining ExcelHT was a great achievement and I am proud that I participated in it

Tsiyona’s Story

My name is Tsiyona Kabada, age 23, from Netanya.

I was released from the army three years ago. As any other ex-soldier I started looking for a job in order to start my civil life. A friend told me about a job vacancy in a cafeteria of Shefa Company and I have worked there for the last two years. During my work I have been exposed to a unique program of female enhancement called WEP.

When I was offered to join the program I didn’t think I was qualified since I didn’t have any background or experience in computers. They explained about the importance of the program, its essence and its value in the job market and I decided to enroll and give it a chance.

During the course I met classmates of different ages and backgrounds and I also got to know a wonderful instructor who dedicated all his time and patience to the students. He adjusted himself to the level and progress pace of each student in the class.

I completed the course successfully and I even enjoyed it a lot. The course helped me to get rid of the inhibitions I had about computers and to choose a profession for the future, since now I’m interested in studying computer science in the university and that is why the course has made a great contribution to my life.

Nowadays I work at YES Satellite Services Ltd.

I joined the company as customer service representative and was promoted and now I work as an operational representative in customer relations. I’m very pleased with my new job.

During my studies I received great support from members of IT Works who still keep in touch with me. I would like to express my whole hearted gratitude to Einat, Michal and Ifat for supporting me throughout the course and serving as a great inspiration for me.

And of course, I would like to thank the course instructors Elchay and Itay who answered all my questions even at unreasonable times.

Some moments and some decisions are turning points in life. The WEP was a significant turning point for me both professionally and personally and for this I am very grateful.

Rachel’s Story

In 2009, the Beer-Sheva WEP women’s program began. A 1½ month course in technical English enhanced my ability to communicate in English, increased my vocabulary, and especially improved my reading comprehension for professional texts. We then advanced to study ITE computer applications and technology, a course which provided me with a wealth of knowledge in computer technology, hardware, software and operating systems. Thanks to our great instructor, Idan Bezalel, a new world of knowledge has broadened my mind.  This segment was followed by getting acquainted with new technical terms and learning computer essentials. I now had my first certificate in hand.

I went on to do a very productive internship at “Dosik Technologies”, serving as a lab and field technician. I gained practical experience and was part of a team, which is crucial to my success in the field. WEP then moved on to the CCENT (Cisco Certified Entry Network Technician) stage. I was highly motivated to learn how to succeed in this new world of networks and communication. I successfully completed each of the assignments and tests, as well as the final exam. We simultaneously attended a practical career workshop – an active, focused and refreshing experience. There, I did everything from writing my CV to developing an approach for professional branding and marketing myself.

Additionally, we had self-empowerment workshops in which we united as a group and learned to cooperate. This offered me a new perspective on how to take initiative, motivating me to find a job. Using all of the tools I’d been given, I reviewed the entire process I’d undergone and saw how much I’d changed, how I presented myself differently as I developed an understanding of new ideas. Following a brief period of job-hunting and interviewing, I was hired by Achva College after a telephone interview and two personal interviews by the head of the IT Department.

Today, I’m working at the Help Desk in the IT Department. I succeeded in getting myself back into a respectable position, and back on the road to success. I can only thank all those who supported this initiative and me in any way. Thank you very much.



Maya Ellman/
Autumn Metcalfe/
Ifat Baron/ / 9720542235554


IT Works Announces ‘Creating Career Opportunities in Hi-Tech for Druze’

Tel Aviv, Israel– November 16, 2010- IT Works, an independent charity
operating throughout Israel since 2006 that implements vocational
training programs for a variety of disadvantaged populations in
Israeli society, has announced the ‘Creating Career Opportunities in
Hi-Tech for Druze’ conference on December 23. The event starts at 10
at Intel’s Headquarters in Israel: Matam Industrial Park, Haifa,
31015, and is expected to attract over 150 people.

The Conference will demonstrate the collaboration between the private
and public sectors and the potential for the integration of minorities
in the hi-tech industry. The American Jewish Joint Distribution
Committee (JDC) and Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) are supporting the
conference financially while IT Works is organizing the event.

The CEO of Intel Israel, Maxine Fassberg, the head of the PMO, Eyal
Gabay, and other leaders from IBM, Microsoft and Google will be at the
Conference to show Druze students and graduates the career
opportunities in the technological sector, expose them to the hi-tech
world, show them different career paths and speak about career

“Although the Arab population in Israel comprises twenty percent of
the total population, the current portion in the hi-tech industry is
less than 0.5 percent,” said Ifat Baron, Founder and Executive
Director of IT Works. “IT Works’ Druze programs have a job placement
rate of ninety percent which is unprecedented. Our Druze participants
graduate from the program with a set of tools that make them relevant
to the technological industry; efficient and dedicated contributors to
the companies they join. They are pioneers, paving the way for the
integration of minorities into the Israeli High Tech industry.”

The Conference will also include a hi-tech lecture by a major speaker
which will be announced next month.

The Agenda includes:

10:30 to 11:15 – Welcome by Head of PMO, CEO of Intel, Professor Yossi
Tamir (CEO of Tevet, branch of JDC), Chairman of the Forum of
Municipalities (mayoral forum) and participant of IT Works’ Druze
program who now works at Intel.

11:15 to 12:15 – Participants meet experts in the field and discuss
career development.

12:15 to 13:00- Lunch.

13:00 to 14:00 – Workshops: Curriculum Vitae/Resume Writing, Interview
Preparation, Career Consultation and Networking.

14:00 to 15:00 – Lecture: Innovation in Technology (speaker TBC.)

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