
IsraelSeen Exclusive – An Angel From Heaven

Mordechai Dahan

IsraelSeen Exclusive – An Angel From Heaven

Mordechai Dahan lives with his family in Petach Tikvah. Mordechai works at the Coca-Cola bottling plant in Bnei Brak. In his “spare time,” he races out to emergency calls as a volunteer EMT with United Hatzalah.

On Friday, the 8th of February, Mordechai went to Jerusalem for Shabbat Parshat Terumah. At 1:01 AM, the ever-ready volunteer medic was fast asleep when his United Hatzalah communications device jolted him awake. The dispatcher said on the radio that there was an emergency childbirth taking place right near his location.  Mordechai leapt out of bed, threw on some clothes and rushed to the address on your ambucycle, arriving in an incredible 90 seconds.

Grabbing his medical bag and dashing into the home, Mordechai found the expectant mother having very strong contractions with her frantic husband beside her.  Mordechai had barely opened his birth kit when the woman shouted “The baby’s coming!” The experienced medic calmly guided the woman through the birth process and a mere 3 minutes later helped her deliver a healthy baby boy.  Mordechai cut the umbilical cord, cleaned the infant and wrapped him warmly before handing him to the ecstatic and relieved mother. The medic then wished the couple a hearty Mazal Tov. The astonished father, who was still shocked at the speed that Mordechai arrived and the speed of the birth, called Mordechai “an angel from heaven”.  The new mother was speechless, but her tears of joy conveyed her feelings more eloquently than words. When the ambulance arrived about 8 minutes later, the family was ready to be transported to the hospital.

United Hatzalah ambucycle drivers, not only save lives, but they help bring lives safely into this world.

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