Dvir Rozen, director of the Israel Break Dance Association and CEO of his own company, Street Art Productions (SAP) says that Israel is “getting there, we’re getting in the level of the big boys abroad – the USA guys and the Europe guys.”
It all began in 1999 when Dvir rolled back the carpet and pushed away the furniture in his living room and set about memorizing and copying the moves on the classic Run DMC 1998 break dance video. He recalls holding his first event, which drew 10 people, and how each event attracted more until hundreds were arriving at his break dance gatherings in Tel Aviv shopping malls.
Dvir started the two organizations to train more B-boys and B-girls, as the break dancers refer to themselves. He holds classes and workshops and organizes shows, all of which culminate in the main annual event – the qualifying finals for Battle of the Year International, which is held in Germany in November.
Crews from all over Israel compete, with names like ‘Kosher Flavor.’ As has been the case for the past three years, the Unstoppables won this time and will represent Israel in Germany.
Rozen has also founded HipHop for peace and hopes to collaborate with the Camp Breakerz, a break dance group in the Gaza Strip, and bring them to Israel for the next Battle of the Year. He has high hopes to continue developing the scene and skills of the dancers and says he hopes “to bring more respect to Israel B-boying.”https://israelseen.com/wp-admin/post-new.php#titlediv