Israeli Start Up Excellent Brain signs a mutual distribution agreement with Macrotellect
– Excellent Brain Ltd., the Israeli start-up developer of the most innovative direct-to-consumer Neurofeedback platform has announced today that it signed a mutual distribution agreement with the EEG Sensor manufacturer, Macrotellect from Shenzhen, China.
The new collaboration will help both companies to advance their business development in Israel and China together. The companies announced that the collaboration is very fit to the business plans of both sides.
Excellent Brain developed an innovative brain training platform that utilizes Neurofeedback training protocols using off-the-shelf EEG sensors such as Macrotellect BrainLink Lite and BrainLink Pro.
Macrotellect is a leading Brain Computer Interface (BCI) company located in Shenzhen, China and manufactures advanced direct to consumer EEG sensors that is being used worldwide.
Making Neurofeedback (NF) accessible to home users, opens a new world of possibilities for people to train their brain easily, directly from their home. Neurofeedback is a very effective method for training the brain for better focus and better cognitive functions, which has been available for a while, but only now is gaining recognition and popularity due to more affordable costs and better applications.
Excellent Brain has been developing its Neurofeedback platform since 2015 and has become a leader in direct-to-consumer brain training solutions.
ABOUT Excellent Brain
Excellent Brain Ltd. is a developer of top innovative Neurofeedback solutions. The Excellent Brain Neurofeedback platform is considered the top innovative platform, making Neurofeedback accessible in a new and easy way.
ABOUT Macrotellect
Macrotellect is a leading Brain Computer Interface (BCI) company located in Shenzhen, China and manufactures advanced direct to consumer EEG sensors that is being used worldwide.