David Lawrence-Young

Israeli-Anglo Author David Lawrence-Young Book Picks for this Week

Israeli-Anglo Author David Lawrence-Young Book Picks for this Week

I have three books that hopefully will be of interest to you.

Six Million Accusers: Catching Adolf Eichmann

Fifteen years after WWII, Adolf Eichmann, chief Nazi, knows he is living on borrowed time. The Israelis must catch him and try him for his crimes during the Holocaust.


Of Guns, Revenge & Hope

The Jewish Brigade fights the Nazis in Italy and saves concentration camp survivors. This is also a Love Story.


Of Guns & Mules

WWI, Pre-Israel Zion Mule Corps fight the Turks at Gallipoli and help kick the Turks out of the Holy Land.

Born in Trowbridge, UK, David Lawrence-Young made aliyah to Israel in 1968. After serving in the IDF (armored infantry), he earned his BA in English literature from Ben-Gurion University in Beersheba. He also holds an MA in English literature from Tel Aviv University; his thesis was on WWI poetry. Lawrence-Young has lectured and taught English and history in high schools and universities. He is a regular contributor to Forum, the Israeli English teachers magazine, and also to Skirmish, a UK military history journal. His previous books include a textbook Communicating in English and 20 historical novels. Lives in Jerusalem with his wife and two children.


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