Ruins in Safed, Israel
Israel Seen – Weekend Updates for Israel & the Region
- Netanyahu Dismisses “Rigged” Paris Peace Conference – Mike Smith
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday dismissed Sunday’s Middle East peace conference in Paris. “It’s a rigged conference, rigged by the Palestinians with French auspices to adopt additional anti-Israel stances,” Netanyahu said. “This pushes peace backwards. It’s not going to obligate us. It’s a relic of the past. It’s a last gasp of the past before the future sets in.” (AFP)
- See also In Paris, the World Will Try One More Time to Solve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict – William Booth
With all the challenges facing the world, the international community has accepted the invitation of French President Francois Hollande to come to Paris on Sunday to urge Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to hammer out a two-state solution to their decades-long conflict.
Secretary of State John Kerry will spend his last hours in office in Paris negotiating a consensus document on how Israelis and Palestinians can live as two peoples, side by side, in peace and security – this, even after Kerry spent nine months of his tenure shuttling between Jerusalem, Ramallah and Arab capitals in a failed attempt to strike a final peace accord.
Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely said Wednesday the Paris conference “is like a wedding with neither bride nor groom.” She said the Palestinians don’t really want peace. They “venerate death and destruction….The conference won’t bring peace. On the contrary, it will distance peace. Israel achieved peace with Egypt and Jordan through direct talks.”
French President Hollande, who is out of office in May, told his diplomatic corps that the objective of the conference was to reaffirm the support of the international community for a two-state solution. “I am realistic about what this conference can achieve,” he said. “Peace will only be done by the Israelis and Palestinians and by nobody else. Only bilateral negotiations can succeed.” (Washington Post)
- With Electricity in Short Supply, 10,000 Protest in Gaza, Defying Hamas – Majd al-Waheidi
Popular anger over power cuts in Gaza during the cold winter erupted on Thursday in a large protest. In a rare display of defiance against the Hamas authorities, 10,000 people took to the streets in Jabaliya, chanting slogans against Ismail Haniya, the leader of Hamas in Gaza, as well as against Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority. Outside the electricity company, protesters hurled stones and burned tires as the Hamas police fired their weapons into the air to disperse the crowd.
Arguments over taxation between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority have contributed to the power cuts, with the supply of electricity down to only three or four hours a day. Smaller protests had been building all week. Hamas security forces on Wednesday detained Adel al-Mashoukhi, a comedian, hours after he posted on Facebook a video cursing the lack of electricity and shouting, “Enough, Hamas!” By Thursday night the video had nearly 300,000 views. (New York Times)
- Iran and Syria Must Pay $178M to Family of Jewish Infant Killed in Hamas Attack, U.S. Court Rules
The Washington, D.C., District Court ruled Tuesday that Iran and Syria must pay a total of $178.5 million in damages to the family of an infant with dual American-Israeli citizenship who was killed in a terrorist attack by a member of Hamas, which is financially backed by the two countries. Chaya Zissel Braun was 3 months old when she was thrown from her stroller and killed in October 2014 in a car-ramming attack in Jerusalem.
“The criminal regimes in Tehran and Damascus are the biggest state sponsors of terrorism in the world,” said Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, an attorney who heads the Shurat HaDin Israeli Law Center and who represented the family. The case was filed in a U.S. court because the baby, her parents and grandparents all hold American citizenship. (JTA)
- Israel Navy Expanding Cooperation with NATO Countries – Barbara Opall-Rome
Speaking to reporters at the conclusion of a visit to Israel by U.S. Navy Adm. Michelle Howard, who commands the U.S. Sixth Fleet, Lt. Col. Assaf Boneh, head of the Israel Navy’s international coordination branch, noted that “cooperation between the Israel and U.S. navies…is already quite good.”
The Israeli Navy is working bilaterally with a spectrum of friendly nations. In November, the British HMS Bulwark spent nearly a week in Israel on joint drills and rest and relaxation for its 560-member crew. The Israel Navy periodically conducts bilateral maneuvers with the French, Italian, Greek and Cypriot navies, and in September sent a submarine and two surface ships to the Italian Navy’s Taranto base. (Defense News)
News Resources – Israel and the Mideast:
- Official Report: 71 Out of 80 Fires in November Were Set by Arsonists – Kalman Liebskind
Out of the 80 fires in Israel in November that were investigated by the Israeli Fire Services Authority, 71 were set on purpose by arsonists for ideological reasons, a report released on Friday officially determined. (Jerusalem Post)
- World Won’t Boycott Israel’s High-Tech for Palestinians – Raphael Ahren
Eli Groner, director-general of the Prime Minister’s Office, told the Times of Israel this week that he shares Netanyahu’s vision that the automatic anti-Israel majority at the UN will disappear in the coming years. He said of the recent UN Security Council vote which criticized Israel’s settlement policy, “I believe that when history unfolds you will see that this was a blip on the radar screen.”
“You can’t fight the laws of economic gravity. We know what these countries want, we know what they need and we know that we can provide them with that. It’s becoming very clear to them that Israel is part of the solution and not part of the problem.” Foreign dignitaries want to know how Israel can help them fight terror and grow their economies, he said. (Times of Israel)
- Terror Attacks in Israel Decline, But the Threat Remains Great – Lior Akerman
According to Israel Security Agency data, there were 17 deaths from terror attacks in 2016 in the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem, compared to 28 in 2015. In the West Bank and Gaza, there were 1,054 attacks in 2016, down from 1,719 in 2015. In Jerusalem there were 327 attacks in 2016, compared to 635 in 2015. This overall downward trend is mainly attributable to the professional intelligence and counter-insurgency activity carried out by Israel.
Another factor is Israeli security forces’ coordination with Palestinian security forces. The two work together to thwart Hamas terrorist activity, with a special emphasis on preventing Hamas from becoming too powerful in the West Bank.
An intifada is a widespread popular uprising. This is not the current situation. However, the relative quiet we’re experiencing is deceptive. Just behind the curtain are a number of Palestinian groups and individuals – including Hamas – that are busy planning their next terrorist attack. The writer served as a division head in the Israel Security Agency. (Jerusalem Post)
Global Commentary and Think-Tank Analysis (Best of U.S., UK, and Israel):
- Call Off the Paris Conference – Rafael L. Bardaji and Col. (ret.) Richard Kemp
Peace between Israelis and Palestinians does not need more plans or conferences such as the one to be held in Paris on Jan. 15. What it does require are two truly committed parties ready to negotiate. For a few years now, those responsible in the Palestinian Authority have chosen not to sit down and negotiate with the Israeli government. Instead, they have launched a unilateral campaign to have the international community impose recognition as a sovereign state without their having to make the typical concessions that negotiations entail.
The real problem is that the Palestinians don’t want to give an inch of what the Israelis want, namely, that they recognize Israel as the state of the Jewish people. To demand that Israel renounce any claim to the Western Wall and other places at the heart of Judaism is not just historical nonsense, it is the wrong move.
It would be good if the participants in Paris would demand that Palestinian leaders end their campaigns and indoctrination against Israel and assume once and for all that Israel was created as the homeland of the Jewish people and that it will continue to be so. The sooner they accept that, the better.
Moreover, to isolate Israel means losing perhaps the best ally the West has to deal with the jihadist threat. Israelis have been enduring the threat firsthand for decades and have developed a system to deal with it. Other countries can learn a lot from that system.
Rafael L. Bardaji, executive director of the Friends of Israel Initiative, is a former national security adviser to the Spanish government. Col. Richard Kemp is the former Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan. (Israel Hayom)
- French Follies – Editorial
With 500,000 Syrians killed in a civil war that rages on, the EU in turmoil after the Brexit vote, and terrorism markedly on the rise in Europe, diplomats from 70 countries are expected in Paris on Sunday to focus their attention on creating a Palestinian state – five days before a new administration takes over in Washington.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu offered last spring to meet with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, in Paris or elsewhere, for face-to-face talks on all issues, without preconditions. It was rejected, as usual. As long as the PA believes that it can achieve statehood by avoiding, rather than negotiating, with Israel, no progress will be made. The Paris meeting only delays that possibility. (New York Jewish Week)
- UN Should Tell Palestinians to Give Up Claims to Israeli Territory – Einat Wilf and Adi Schwartz
The UN Security Council last month passed Resolution 2334, which contradicts UN Resolution 242 from 1967 and essentially gives all of the West Bank to the Palestinians. If Israelis cannot lay claim to the West Bank, then Palestinians cannot lay claim to Israeli territory. Secretary of State John Kerry and participants of the coming peace conference in Paris must affirm such a resolution as strongly as they did the UN one.
Those who have witnessed the chants of “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” at anti-Israel demonstrations know that the Palestinians have not abandoned their claims to Israel west of the Green Line. The most flagrant manifestation of these Palestinian claims is the insistence that the Arabs who were displaced during the 1947-49 war, and their millions of descendants, possess a “right of return” to the State of Israel.
Yet to insist on this “right” means to deprive the Jewish people of their state and subject them again to the status of an oppressed minority – their historical position in Arab lands.
Particularly, the resolution should affirm, using the same language as Resolution 2334, that any claims of Palestine and of Palestinians to the territory of Israel within the 1967 lines have “no legal validity” and “constitute a flagrant violation under international law.” Any institutions perpetuating such claims, such as UNRWA, should “immediately and completely cease” their illegal activities and be dismantled.
If backers of the original resolution decline to use the same language toward the Palestinians that they used against Israelis, then those who doubt their commitment to peace and justice would, unfortunately, be vindicated. Ms. Wilf is a former member of the Knesset. Mr. Schwartz is a researcher and writer in Tel Aviv. (Wall Street Journal)
- End the UNRWA Farce – Sol Stern
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), with its $1.3 billion budget (30% of which comes from U.S. taxpayers), actually perpetuates the refugee problem it was created to solve, while promoting Palestinian rejectionism and Jew hatred.
The original 700,000 Palestinians leaving Israel have now been magically transformed into 5.6 million “refugees” registered with UNRWA, about half of all the Palestinians living in the world today. The “temporary” UN agency has been transformed into a bloated bureaucracy with a staff of 30,000, almost all of whom are Palestinians (many are activists of Hamas, the Islamist terrorist group). Less than 5% of UNRWA’s clients ever lived in Israel, but the agency’s regulations state that all patrilineal descendants of the original displaced persons shall retain their refugee rights in perpetuity. (City Journal)
- The Threat of Radical Islamic Terrorism Is the Same in Europe and Israel – Dan Diker
Radical Islamic terrorism in Europe and Jerusalem are both motivated by extremist ideologies and must be condemned equally. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry branded the ISIS terrorists who massacred 130 people in Paris in 2015 as “psychopathic monsters.” “Psychopathic,” ideologically and religiously motivated terrorists also live and work in Jerusalem, like the “truck terrorist” Fadi al-Qanbar. He was not driven by socioeconomic deprivation or nationalist sentiment. He enjoyed complete freedom of movement and received the same social and economic benefits as Jewish residents of Jerusalem.
From a jihadi point of view, there is no difference between terrorism in Berlin, Nice, or Jerusalem. Palestinian jihadis and their fellow travelers in ISIS, al-Qaeda, Jabhat Fateh al-Sham in Syria, Hamas, Iran’s IRGC and its Hizbullah proxy have declared that Islamic terrorism against Europe and Israel stems from the same radical roots and aims for the same extremist end: exclusive Islamic sovereignty across the lands of the Near East and ultimately the world.
The West must condemn and battle Islamic terrorism unconditionally and without reservation wherever it strikes. The writer is director of the Program to Counter Political Warfare and BDS at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. (Jerusalem Post)
- Israeli Arabs Seeking Integration into Israel – Amnon Rubinstein
According to the latest annual poll by the Israel Democracy Institute among Israeli Arabs, who constitute a fifth of Israel’s citizenry, only 12% said that their identity was Palestinian. For 25% it was Israeli, for 29% it was their religion, and for 24% it was Arab.
Israeli Arabs are seeking integration into the Israeli economy and society, as seen in the dramatic growth in the number of Arab students in universities and of civil servants in government.
In the popular culture, a novel by an Arab author hit the Hebrew best-seller list, while Arab-subject melodramas are popular on the Hebrew TV screen. 10% of Israel’s judges are Arab as well as many of its doctors; 20% of pharmacists are Arab. The writer is a professor at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya and a former minister of education. (Jerusalem Post)
Weekend Features
- Israeli Doctors Treat Palestinian Children – Brenda Katten
Dr. Yoram Neumann, a consultant to the outpatient clinic of the pediatric oncology department at Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer, says that, currently, 40% of his patients come from Gaza and the West Bank. He noted that “we are portrayed as ‘child killers,’ while here and in hospitals all over the country we are saving Palestinian lives.”
I spoke with a Palestinian woman from Hebron whose child is currently hospitalized. I asked how it was for her being in an Israeli hospital. She said she had expected to confront the enemy, but meeting personally with Israelis has given her a totally different perspective. She spoke warmly of the care given to her child and the support she personally receives. (Jerusalem Post)
- Israel Treats Wounded Syrians – Ben Lynfield
Ziv Medical Center in Safed has treated 800 Syrians since 2013, making it the largest Israeli treatment center for wounded Syrians. Social worker Fares Issa, 39, from Gush Halav, has handled all the cases of Syrian patients in the hospital. He says those who arrive at the hospital “are wounded by gunfire, shrapnel, severance of limbs, stepping on mines and car accidents caused by snipers firing at the wheels of cars.”
Some of the cases have left a deep impression on Issa. A year ago a child was admitted to the hospital. “The child who lost his legs, a 12-year-old, was screaming in the trauma room, ‘Don’t treat me, because we don’t have money to pay for the hospital.’…My dream was to see him walk on two legs. Three months later, with the help of the hospital and the director, with the very supportive environment, they had given him a lot of things – games, clothes, a tablet so that he could pass his time and enjoy. In the end, I gave him two prosthetic limbs with the help of which he was able to stand up and walk.” (Jerusalem Post)
- Happy Is the Nation with Such Fighters – Aharon Karov
Eight years ago, I left my new wife mere hours after our wedding to go fight alongside my soldiers in the 2008-09 Gaza War. As an officer, I had a personal obligation to my soldiers, who had been with me from the time they entered the induction center until they became fighters. And I had a national obligation, because the people of Israel and the State of Israel are far greater than any personal considerations, as important as those may be.
An explosion in Gaza left me mortally wounded. My parents and wife were brought to the hospital to say goodbye to me. Ten days after being wounded, I opened my eyes. Step by step, I learned how to speak, eat, walk and do simple tasks, until eventually I succeeded in running a marathon, having three children, and finishing a bachelor’s degree.
I was forced to give up my combat position following my injuries, but I will not give up my love for the army and its soldiers. I will not give up my love for this country, which was founded on dust and ashes to be the only safe home for the Jewish people in the world. I see these soldiers and am filled with great pride. Happy is the nation whose sons and daughters are these; happy is the nation whose fighters are these. 2nd Lt. Aharon Karov is the IDF soldier most severely injured in the 2008-09 Gaza War. (Israel Hayom)
- Holocaust Survivors Remember with Resilience – Carolyn Crist
Holocaust survivors in Israel integrate memories of horror and loss in their lives with a sense of resilience, researchers found. “Even though they’re haunted by memories, they’ve carved out lives with families and careers,” said study co-author Norm O’Rourke, a psychologist at Ben-Gurion University in Beersheba, Israel. They “do not define their lives based on trauma and loss, but on their ability to rise from the ashes and bear witness to the past to help secure the future,” O’Rourke’s team writes in The Gerontologist.
O’Rourke and colleagues interviewed 269 Holocaust survivors in Israel. “As they talked about what happened, it wasn’t something that occurred 70 years ago. It sounds like it happened yesterday, which is part of the nature of trauma,” he said. For many, the Holocaust is still a silent presence in daily life. (Reuters)
A Life of Degradation and Bitterness under Fatah Rule – A letter from a West Bank Palestinian attorney (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs)
The Jerusalem Center was contacted by a respected Palestinian attorney from a West Bank city. After personally interviewing him, we are publishing a letter he wrote. His identity will not be made public to ensure his safety.
Below are excerpts. Read the full letter here.
- Palestinian Authority/Fatah leaders forget that the people lean toward Hamas not because they love it, but because they hate what the Fatah movement does – which only gets worse by the day.
- The Palestinian citizen suffers from ugly terror if he expresses an opinion that is opposed to that of the PA, or insists on his rights before an official or has refused to pay a bribe to a senior official, his sons, or his bodyguards.
- The citizen wonders – is he supposed to pay the extortion money to the members of the Fatah Executive Committee, or to the members of the Fatah Central Committee, or to their sons, when he does not have the wherewithal to protect himself from their evil and from the evil of their sons, their bodyguards, and Fatah?
- I demand of the international legal organizations that pretend to defend human rights, the states of the European Union, and the United States, the great economic and rhetorical supporter of the PA, and even of the United Nations, which has a commitment to human rights, to set up investigatory committees on the irregularities of the Palestinian Authority.
- The security apparatus of the PA and the Fatah movement has been committing crimes against the Palestinian people, which reach the level of crimes against humanity, for half a century – and the crimes continue. I still have never heard of any settler, Israeli soldier, or Israeli officer extorting a Palestinian citizen. It is what the PA and Fatah people do.
In-Depth Issues:
Syria Blames Israel after Explosions at Airport near Damascus – Suleiman Al-Khalidi (Reuters)
The Syrian army command said on Friday
that Israel fired rockets at a major military airbase outside Damascus.
Video footage on social media showed flames leaping from parts of Mezzah military airport.
Diplomatic sources say Israel has in the past few years targeted advanced weapons systems in Syria headed for Hizbullah.
U.S. Sanctions 18 Syrians for Chlorine-Gas Attacks – Felicia Schwartz (Wall Street Journal)
The Obama administration sanctioned 18 senior Syrian officials Thursday in response to Syrian President Assad’s use of chemical weapons against civilians.
This is the first time the U.S. has sanctioned Syrian officials under a 2013 UN resolution meant to eliminate chemical weapons, National Security Council spokesman Ned Price said.
The individuals sanctioned are officers or agents of Syria’s armed forces or its Scientific Studies and Research Center, responsible for developing nonconventional weapons.
Changing Partisan Views of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Pew Research Center)
In a national survey of 1,502 adults conducted on Jan. 4-9, 2017, 51% said they sympathized more with Israel and 19% sympathized more with the Palestinians.
However, for the first time in Pew Research Center surveys, Democrats are about as likely to sympathize with Palestinians (31%) as with Israel (33%).
The share of Democrats who say they sympathize more with Israel is down 10 points from April 2016, though the share who say they sympathize more with the Palestinians is little changed from last April (29%), but is up significantly from July 2014 when 17% said they sympathized more with the Palestinians.
Republicans continue to overwhelmingly say they sympathize more with Israel (74%) than the Palestinians (11%), up from 57% in 2005.
Among liberal Democrats, 38% now say they sympathize more with the Palestinians than with Israel (26%).
By contrast, 42% of conservative and moderate Democrats say they sympathize more with Israel than the Palestinians (25%). However, the share of conservative and moderate Democrats who say they sympathize more with Israel is down 11 points since April 2016.
By the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
- In addition to the “Ten False Assumptions Regarding Israel,” which addressed many of the widely-held and universally-disseminated false and mistaken assumptions regarding Israel, here are some additional false assumptions to address.
- “Israel is committing genocide, mass murder and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian People” – Israel has never advocated, devised or entertained any plan, design or campaign, systematic or otherwise, to undermine or destroy the Palestinian people, or to act out of revenge or despair.
- Since 1967, the Palestinian Arab population has increased from 954,898 to 4,654,421 – by 387%. It was not Israel that massacred 15,000 Palestinians living in Jordan during the “Black September” war between Jordan and the PLO in 1970. It was not Israel that caused the displacement of 390,000 Palestinians in Syria since the conflict began in 2011.
- “The establishment of Israel was a catastrophe for the Palestinians” – The Arabs’ original 1948 rejection and denial of the right of existence of the State of Israel has not changed and remains the central aim of their narrative.
- “Israel violates its obligations in the Oslo Accords” – Israel has implemented its obligations pursuant to the accords in good faith.
The long list of fundamental breaches by the Palestinians includes active support, encouragement and financing of terror and violence against Israel and its population, and the maintenance of terror infrastructure despite obligations to dismantle it; wholesale acquisition and manufacture of illegal weaponry for purposes of terror; daily hate indoctrination and incitement to violence and terror; and attempts to unilaterally alter the status of the West Bank and Gaza Strip outside the negotiating process, through unilateral initiatives in international bodies.
- “Israel is denying the ‘right of return’ to millions of Palestinian refugees” – There exists no ‘right of return’ for refugees in international law or practice, and no international treaty imposes any such obligation on Israel.
Click here to read the full article.
Ambassador Alan Baker, former legal adviser and deputy director-general of Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, participated in the negotiation and drafting of the Oslo Accords with the Palestinians.
by Guy Millière
- President Obama’s decision not to use the US veto in the UN Security Council and to let pass Resolution 2334, effectively sets the boundaries of a future Palestinian state. The resolution declares all of Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem — home to the Old City, the Western Wall and the Temple Mount — the most sacred place in Judaism — “occupied Palestinian territory,” and is a declaration of war against Israel.
- Resolution 2334 nullified any possibility of further negotiations by giving the Palestinians everything in exchange for nothing — not even an insincere promise of peace.
- The next act is the Orwellian-named “peace conference,” to be held in Paris on January 15. It has but one objective: to set the stage to eradicate Israel.
- In this new “Dreyfus trial,” the accused will be the only Jewish state and the accusers will be the OIC and officials from Islamized, dhimmified, anti-Israel Western states. As in the Dreyfus trial, the verdict has been decided before it even starts. Israel will be considered guilty of all charges and condemned. A draft of the declaration to be published at the end of the conference is already available.
- The declaration rejects any Jewish presence beyond the 1949 armistice lines — thereby instituting apartheid. It also praises the “Arab Peace Initiative,” which calls for returning of millions of so-called “refugees” to Israel, thus transforming Israel into an Arab Muslim state where a massacre of Jews could conveniently be organized.
- The declaration is most likely meant serve as the basis for a new Security Council resolution on January 17 that would recognize a Palestinian state inside the “1967 borders,” and be adopted, thanks to a second US abstention, three days before Obama leaves office. The betrayal of Israel by the Obama administration and by Obama himself would then be complete.
- The US Congress is already discussing bills to defund the UN and the Palestinian Authority. If Europeans think that the incoming Trump administration is as spineless as the Obama administration, they are in for a shock.
- Khaled Abu Toameh noted that the Palestinian Authority sees Resolution 2334 as a green light for more murders and violence.
- Daniel Pipes recently wrote that it is time to acknowledge the failure of a “peace process” that is really a war process. He stresses that peace can only come when an enemy is defeated.
- Resolution 2334 and the Paris conference, both promoted by Obama, are, as the great historian Bat Ye’or wrote, simply a victory for jihad.

Is Barack Obama planning another betrayal of Israel at next week’s Paris “peace conference,” organized by French President François Hollande? Pictured: Obama and Hollande in Washington, May 18, 2012. (Image source: White House)
The Middle East is in chaos. More than half a million people have been killed in the Syrian war and the number is rising. Bashar al-Assad’s army used chemical weapons and barrel bombs against civilians; Russia has bombed schools and hospitals.
Syrians, Christians, Yazidis, Libyans, Yemenis and Egyptians all face lethal treats. Iranian leaders still shout “Death to Israel” and “Death to America” while buying nuclear equipment with money from lifted sanctions. Turkey is sliding toward an Islamist dictatorship, and unable to stem attacks against it.
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by Yves Mamou
- For our ambassadors, terrorism does not exist in “Palestine”. They just whisper Quixotically about “the need for security” for Israel.
- The obvious conclusion is that they are just trying to hide their own detestation of Israel behind the Arab one.
- The problem is not Jewish “settlers” in “Palestine”. Before 1967, there were no settlements, then what was the Palestine Liberation Organization “liberating” when it was created in Cairo in 1964? The answer, as the PLO was the first to admit, was “Palestine” — meaning the entire state of Israel, regarded by many Arabs as just one big settlement. Just look any Palestinian map.
- The problem is that these ambassadors are not as dangerous to Israel as they are to Europe and the free world, as they keep on succumbing to the demands of Islam.

Unhappy France-Israel diplomacy. Pictured: French President François Hollande (right) greets Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Paris on January 11, 2015. (Image source: Thierry Chesnot/Getty Images)
Do not forget these names: Yves Aubin de La Messuzière; Denis Bauchard; Philippe Coste; Bertrand Dufourcq; Christian Graeff; Pierre Hunt; Patrick Leclercq; Stanislas de Laboulaye; Jean-Louis Lucet; Gabriel Robin; Jacques-Alain de Sédouy and Alfred Siefer-Gaillardin.
These men are retired French ambassadors. They are apparently well educated, very polite and aristocratic people and they regularly publish op-eds in Le Monde. However, they publish in Le Monde only to threaten Israel.
Their most recent op-ed in Le Monde on January 9, 2017, was to explain how an international conference on the Middle East, the one which scheduled for January 15 in Paris, would be beneficial for the “security” of Israel. Their text is a discouraging enumeration of traditional clichés of France’s hypocritical diplomacy.
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by Jagdish N. Singh
- Israel has always been appreciative of New Delhi’s security imperatives. New Delhi, however has yet to be fully appreciative of Israel’s security imperatives.
- New Delhi has yet to be morally conscientious enough openly to back Israel in multilateral fora such as the United Nations. One hopes Prime Minister Modi would show the statesmanlike leadership at which he is so expert and which makes him so admired.
- Israel stands and fights for openness, diversity, truth and its existence, just as India does. India must back Israel. New Delhi also needs Jerusalem in combating Islamist terrorism, one of the greatest threats to its unity and territorial integrity.
- The operational code of anti-India Islamist forces’ behaviour is similar to that of Israel’s Palestinian counterparts: spread the culture of hatred and violence against the free world. Israel knows better than anyone it how best to protect it against such elements.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New York, on September 29, 2014. (Image source: Israel Government Press Office)
Ever since former Indian Prime Minister P. V. Narsimha Rao decided in January 1992 to establish full diplomatic ties with Israel, relations between the two democracies have flourished in all fields. Socially, there have been unprecedented people-to-people exchanges. Today over 40,000 Israelis travel to India annually. Since the Israeli poet Amir Or translated the famous Indian epic he Mahabharata into Hebrew in 1998, more books of Indian poetry have been translated into Hebrew.
Economically, technologically and militarily, relations between India and Israel also have moved from strength to strength. In 1992 trade between the two nations stood at a meagre $100 million. Today this stands at $5 billion with the possibility of its being tripled if a free trade agreement is concluded between the two nations.
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NPR has responded to CAMERA’s criticism on the recent settlement piece, saying that “no single news report can encompass the full history of the region or include every important viewpoint or perspective.” But CAMERA’s Ricki Hollander explains: “This type of mantra, generally used by journalists to justify a one-sided or partisan approach to a subject, is a straw man argument that avoids addressing problems with the article or its journalistic shortcomings.” Read more |
PBS Fails To Correct Ben Rhodes
On “Thousands Of New Settlements” |
Ben Rhodes, deputy national security adviser for strategic communications to President Obama, made the outrageous claim in a PBS interview that Israel has constructed “tens of thousands” of settlements. The truth is that there are 228 total settlements, and there have been zero new settlements constructed by the government in recent years. But PBS’ Judy Woodruff failed to correct or challenge the ridiculous and false assertion. Read more |
Haaretz English Translation Omits
Hamas Exploitation of Gaza Cancer Patients |
Another instance of the “Lost in Translation” phenomenon at Israeli newspaper Haaretz, where the English edition downplays or even omits evidence of Palestinian violence or wrongdoing. This time, the English edition reported on restrictions for Gaza cancer patients seeking to enter Israel for treatment, but omitted the Israeli reasoning behind the restrictions: that Hamas is exploiting sick patients to smuggle money and information to terrorists. Read more |
NPR Whitewashes Palestinian Terrorism |
In reporting on Sunday’s terror attack in which a Palestinian assailant killed four Israelis, NPR categorized the attack as part of “an ongoing wave of violence between Israelis and Palestinians over the past several months.” But as CAMERA’s Ricki Hollander explains, this whitewashes the truth and implies that the wave of Palestinian terror against Israelis is actually a “reciprocal phenomenon.” Read more |
At The New York Times,
Special Words Reserved For Certain Territories |
The New York Times consistently refers to disputed territories all around the world as just that: “disputed territory.” But when it comes to the West Bank, “editors go so far as to insist that this land rightfully belongs to the Palestinians.” CAMERA’s Gilead Ini has the story. Read more |
CAMERA’s UK Media Watch Prompts
Correction at The Telegraph |
After a low-level employee in the Israeli embassy to the UK made comments that turned into a scandal, the Telegraph claimed that it was Israeli Ambassador Mark Regev who made the comments. Following contact from CAMERA’s UK Media Watch, editors have corrected the headline. Read more |
Global Immersion Project Ignores Incovenient Truth |
“When it comes to dealing with the Arab-Israeli conflict there are some things that the pro-Palestinian crowd simply does not want to talk about so they ignore questions (and public opinion polls) they don’t want to hear. If data can’t be used to justify the ‘It’s Israel’s fault’ narrative, many so-called journalists and peacemakers simply ignore it,” writes CAMERA’s Dexter Van Zile. Read more |
Free Speech Crackdown
On The Temple Mount |
“The Palestinians are trying to change history by outlawing the term ‘Temple Mount.'” CAMERA’s Ricki Hollander has the story. Read more |
NBC’s Cal Perry And Ayman Mohyeldin
Flub Settlements Story |
Joining the chorus of misleading or biased reporting about Israeli settlements are NBC’s Cal Perry and Ayman Mohyeldin. Their varied distortions and errors “betray either ignorance about basic facts or extreme partisanship,” writes CAMERA’s Andrea Levin. Read more |
Politico’s “Letter from Israel”
Is Marked To The Wrong Address |
In a recent article in Politico, journalist Gregg Carlstrom starts with a false narrative: that Israel is solely to blame for the lack of a Palestinian state. CAMERA’s Sean Durns explains that according to this narrative, the Palestinian Authority “are not full-fledged participants, but hapless victims, deprived of independent agency and responsibility.” Read more |
Modern Language Association Votes Down
BDS Resolution |
An anonymous Modern Language Association delegate who was on the scene of the rejected BDS vote said: “Despite the press, the pomp, the social media storms, etc., the number of those invested is strikingly small. Yet the activist fringes constantly attempt to seize upon this apathy to hijack these associations with agendas of their own.” Read more |
The Boundless Anti-Israel Hatred Of AJ+ |
“AJ+ considers Israel to be so low, that it doesn’t even deserve the dignity of sympathy in its time of mourning. Once again, AJ+ continues to churn up hate in the world, rather than pursuing any chance of peace.” Read more |
Why Baroness Deech Is Right
About Campus Anti-Semitism |
Many Jewish students across the country were truly thankful to see Baroness Deech addressing the issue of campus anti-Semitism on the front page of The Daily Telegraph. To quote her: “amongst Jewish students, there is gradually a feeling that there are certain universities that you should avoid.” Read more |
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