Israel Seen – My Truth a New Educational Organization of IDF Reservists
My Truth is a non-partisan organisation comprised of male and female reserve soldiers whose aim is to educate about the work done by the IDF and the values which its soldiers strive to meet. Israeli soldiers deal with complex situations which have no counterpart anywhere else in the world. The organisation seeks to give voice to the morality of Israeli soldiers and their dedication to the IDF’s ethical code. My Truth fights to faithfully reflect the manner in which Israeli soldiers defend the lives of civilians, despite the dangers and the difficulties facing them both in battle and on a daily basis.
My Truth’s founders and activists come from all over Israeli society, hold a wide range of political beliefs, and share a common desire to protect the standing of IDF soldiers. My Truth views Israeli soldiers as a common social and national group independent from the political discourse of left and right, and are deeply concerned about those who promote political agendas by cynically slandering IDF soldiers around the world under the pretext of “creating a public discourse”.
My Truth stresses that it unequivocally condemns all deviations from the IDF’s ethical code, and supports constructive criticism aiming to help Israeli soldiers deal better and more effectively with the moral dilemmas and the complex reality which they are confronted with, both on a regular basis and also in emergency situations.
Help us raise vital funds to set the record straight about the way the IDF operates and document the extraordinary lengths and unparalleled challenges Israeli soldiers face.
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Israel Seen – My Truth a New Educational Organization of IDF Reservists