Israel Seen – My Name is Israel
When Audrin Antigua, a Filipina in Bogo City, gave birth to a baby boy in a field hospital set up by the Israel Defense Forces, she named her son Israel as a thank you to the Israeli people.
It was November 2013, and the Philippines had just been devastated by the deadly category 5 storm Typhoon Haiyan, leaving 6,300 dead and four million homeless. The IDF rushed to help, arriving almost first on the scene. Several other Israeli aid organizations also flew over to help.
Since its founding just 68 years ago, Israel has sent aid to 140 countries, helping people on virtually every continent with medical, psychological, educational and environmental relief.
To celebrate the devotion and accomplishments of Israeli aid workers, and as the second in our series of DIY exhibitions for readers and users, ISRAEL21c has created a remarkable and inspiring online exhibition exploring the many facets of this aid.
My Name is Israel can be downloaded by anyone and used anytime by your organization, school or publication – anywhere you want people to know more about Israel.
In our 15 full-color slides, we bring you heartwarming stories of how Israelis have helped in the wake of some of the world’s worst disasters, sharing knowledge and expertise in anything from search and rescue to water management, agriculture and security.
Brought together for the first time, the stories in this exhibition offer an exciting and moving account of how Israelis of every religion take the Jewish concept of tikkun olam, repairing the world, and apply it literally to help people everywhere.
To use the exhibition, you can:
- download, print and post it in any location, either displayed onsite or online
- enlarge the images on foam core board for display on easels or in display cases
- present it online using a tablet, computer, smart TV or other video device
Each of the slides includes textual information about the area of aid and QR links to significant further reading material that can help viewers gain a detailed picture of how Israel is helping the world.
You may use any part of the exhibition you want, and we also offer you the chance to co-brand the exhibition.
Israel has won praise worldwide for its extensive humanitarian aid relief in the wake of some of the world’s most catastrophic recent earthquakes. From search and rescue to medical and psychological aid, and to help rebuilding, in many countries, Israel is the first to arrive and the last to leave.
Whether it’s the Philippines or New Jersey, Sri Lanka or Serbia, Israeli first responders have rushed to the scene of deadly storms and floods all over the world, providing medical treatment and vital aid that can save and rebuild lives.
Israel frequently shares its advanced water technology, water conservation expertise and water-saving devices with drought-plagued regions from the United States, to developing countries in Africa and the Far East. Industry, academic institutions, NGOs, and government agencies all join Israeli efforts to quench a thirsty world.
Setting up sting operations to catch African wildlife traffickers; rescuing injured and abused dogs on the streets of L.A.; saving the lives of zoo animals in crisis regions – Israelis across the world are quick to help four-legged friends in danger.
Israeli non-governmental agencies, hospitals and businesses are at the forefront of healthcare assistance throughout the developing world. Humanitarian healthcare missions undertaken by Israel include free eye surgeries and AIDS prevention programs, cervical cancer screenings and emergency medical aid, malaria prevention, medical clowning, and public health education.
Since February 2013, Israeli doctors have treated more than 1,200 Syrians wounded in their civil war. The number of Syrians entrusting their lives to Israeli hospitals continues to grow. Throughout Israel’s history, doctors have treated people regardless of their ethnicity, even if their country was at war with Israel.
The IDF Home Front Command’s Search & Rescue Brigade and 13 other Israeli rescue organizations stand ready at all times to send trained volunteers to find missing persons after accidents and natural disasters across the world. Among the many countries aided are Haiti, Japan, Kenya, Turkey, Mexico, France, Thailand, India, and the U.S.
From hurricanes to floods, tornadoes to terror attacks, Israel has helped the United States through some of its most traumatic experiences in recent years, offering vital expertise that saves lives and enables victims to pick up the pieces after a disaster and move on.
Israelis don’t just respond to extreme disasters; they also create and lead long-range programs to improve lives and build communities. Israeli nonprofits and government organizations send personnel to dozens of countries around the world to provide training and equipment so communities can learn to help themselves in the long run.
Israel’s unfortunate experience and expertise in the psychological effects of terror makes it uniquely helpful to foreign professionals dealing with terror, war, and natural disaster. Israeli trauma relief organizations are regularly invited to give locals the skills to help themselves and their communities cope after a crisis, from the Americas to Europe, and from Africa to Asia.
Nonprofit organizations Save a Child’s Heart and A Heart for Peace have given nearly 5,000 children from across the globe a new lease on life with free lifesaving heart surgeries. The children come from near and far, from Gaza and Syria, to Haiti, China, Angola, and even Iran.
Israel is sharing its renowned agricultural know-how and pioneering breakthroughs with the rest of the world to help raise a new crop of farmers, and break the cycle of hunger and poverty.
Israel’s humanitarian aid groups have rallied around refugees from Syria, Iraq, Rwanda, Chechnya, Kenya, and more, offering anything from rescue at sea, to medical and psychosocial support, educational aid and humanitarian relief.
Find out more about Israel’s incredible humanitarian aid with the Israel Aid Map. It’s a concise, interactive map showing some of the most significant aid projects that Israel has undertaken all over the world, and is an important reminder that the spirit of tikkun olam (repairing the world) shines brightly in Israel.