
Israel Seen – Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries

Most of the Jews came to Israel with nothing, having abandoned assets and property worth millions of dollar

Most of the Jews came to Israel with nothing, having abandoned assets and property worth millions of dollar

Israel Seen – Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries

h/t to Jewish Refugees

Israel is working secretly to obtain the return of Jewish property in Arab countries, Social Equality Ministry Director-General Avi Cohen said Wednesday, adding that millions of shekels have been allocated to the process, Haaretz reports. Quite what this ‘covert activity’ involves, and how Israel will obtain the ‘restitution’ is not clear, but it shows that at last the Israeli government is willing to do more to gather data than simply relying on the relatively small number of claims made. (With thanks: Yoram)

Speaking to a Knesset Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs Committee hearing on restitution, Cohen said, “There is classified activity in conjunction with the Foreign Ministry in which we will invest millions to restore property belonging to Arab and Iranian Jewry, which will come to fruition within a month to a month-and-half. I cannot elaborate further.” Alon Simhayoff of the National Security Council confirmed the statement, adding that the covert move has the backing of the Prime Minister’s Office and the NSC.

The news that Israel is secretly working to secure the return of property stolen from the Jews of the Islamic world some 70 years ago is surprising. Though the restitution issue resurfaces in the public debate every few years, until now, virtually nothing has been done about it. The sensitive issue resurfaces in public debate every few years. Though numbers aren’t exact, it is believed that nearly a million Jews resided in Arab countries and in Iran on the eve of the War of Independence in 1948.

After Israel was established, around 600,000 of them immigrated to Israel over the next three decades in waves that continued in 1956 and 1967 and after the Iranian revolution in 1979. A State Comptroller report published 2014 blasted the state for neglecting the issue, and put the combined value of the lost assets at “a few billion dollars.” Despite repeated promises by successive governments, the state has made almost no effort to gather data on this lost property, and as of when that report was published in 2014, it hadn’t even formulated any real plan for doing so.

The Knesset did pass a law in 2010 stating that restitution for the lost property would be part of any future peace negotiations. And three years ago, the Social Equality Ministry, which is responsible for dealing with this issue, issued a public appeal to any whose family lost property in the Arabs states or Iran to fill out forms seeking its restitution.

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Egyptian media in a panic over Israel restitution move

 Zionist Union Isaac Herzog attended the Knesset session on Jewish property in Arab lands, underscoring the cross-party nature of the issue.

Zionist Union Isaac Herzog attended the Knesset session on Jewish property in Arab lands, underscoring the cross-party nature of the issue.


Whenever the question of Jewish property seized in Arab countries comes up, it is not unusual for Arab media to become somewhat hysterical. Yesterday’s Knesset session on restitution  of Jewish property in Arab lands, and Israel’s secret efforts to advance this issue,  was enough to send the Egyptian internet site into a panic.

Instead of doing its own research lifted whole chunks from the Facebook page of Dr Edy Cohen, a Lebanese-born academic researcher and activist on behalf  of Jewish refugees from Arab lands, including his photos. Perhaps in anticipation of Arab media interest, Dr Cohen had thoughtfully posted his comments in Arabic. quoted Dr Cohen’s words: “there will be no solution to the Palestinian refugee problem as long as it does not solve the Jewish refugee issue and the problem of  their looted property, especially in Egypt, Iraq and other Arab states. He added: “Arabs know that the Israelis would ask Arab states to compensate Jews who left the Arab countries and moved to live in the Jewish state. They will soon themselves demanding of the countries of the world, and in front of international tribunals, and institutions of public law, compensation for their suffering, their property and their rights which they left in their countries of origin. The Arabs carry the moral responsibility for the departure of the Jews. “
Dr Edy Cohen

Dr Edy Cohen found it noteworthy that on his Facebook page Dr Cohen had called for the leader of the Zionist Union Party, Isaac Herzog, to raise the issue to the forefront of Israeli public opinion, and  asked him to talk about this issue in the media.

Some of those attending the Knesset session. In the blue blouse, Mrs Levana Zamir, head of the organisations representing Jews from Arab countries in Israel.

The meeting was chaired by MK, Oren Hazan, who heads the lobby for the return of the property of Jews from Arab countries. Hazan belongs to the Likud party.

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