Israel Seen Favorite Passover Music Videos
Happy Passover! A musical greeting from the Israel Philharmonic
This Pessach, because each of us is celebrating separately, we prepared a special musical greeting, which we hope you’ll enjoy.
On behalf of the orchestra, we wish all our subscribers and all music lovers in Israel a happy Passover and good health
Passover: I’m in Love with the Taste of You
An epic Passover mashup celebrating freedom throughout history
Six13 – Vehi She’amda: A Passover Anthem for Our Times
Times like Passover are some of the hardest to be apart. But as we’ve learned over the course of generations, there is no separation or circumstance that can break the bond we share through our history, our tradition and our faith. In that same vein, we weren’t about to let quarantines and social distance stop us from coming together in spirit, to do what we love and share this message of hope in song during these trying times. Know that even if you’re alone, you’re not alone. Musicians and other performers have been hit especially hard by the COVID-19 crisis. If you’re moved by our message and in a position to give, please support the Sweet Relief Musicians Fund:…
Six13 – A Lion King Passover
From the guys who brought you “Bohemian Chanukah”: IT IS TIME… time for everyone’s favorite unleavened holiday, and of course, the traditional Six13 music video to go along with it. Here’s hoping this seder-y serenade from our pride of Jews helps to heighten your own Jewish pride. Please enjoy our most hakuna matata-ful production to date. CHAG SAMEACH!
Six13 – Uptown Passover (an “Uptown Funk” adaptation for Pesach)