
Israel Seen – Chinese Tourists and Israeli Desalination

Chinese supporters of Israel march in Jerusalem [Archive]Photo credit: Reuters

Chinese supporters of Israel march in Jerusalem [Archive]Photo credit: Reuters

Israel Seen – Chinese Tourists and Israeli Desalination

Israel HaYom

Tourism Ministry sets sights on Chinese tourists

Hotels catering to Chinese palate will receive special government grant, according to new plan set forth by Tourism Minister Yariv Levin • Ministry will also produce a new Israeli-Chinese conversation manual and add more Mandarin-speaking tour guides.

Israel Seen – Chinese Tourists and Israeli Desalination

Israeli desalination firm named one of world’s smartest companies
The Sorek desalination plant in Rishon Lezion Photo credit: AP

The Sorek desalination plant in Rishon Lezion
Photo credit: AP

IDE Technologies ranks 18th on annual MIT Technology Review list of world’s smartest companies • IDE is “offering more affordable water desalination at a scale never before achieved,” MIT Technology Review says.

Israel Seen – Chinese Tourists and Israeli Desalination

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