Thanks to our friend David Bedein and his Staff at Israel Resource Review
Israel Resource Review
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By: Lawrence Solomon
In the up-is-down bizarro world of UNRWA, the number of refugees only grows and grows RIDDLE: You’re an American citizen, born and raised in the U.S., who has never set foot outside your country. You are also a refugee from a faraway land. What is the explanation? HINT: Your parents and grandparents are also Americans, and they are also refugees. ANOTHER HINT: Your children, born to you and your American spouse, are also refugees, and when they are old enough to have children of…
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Mark Sokolow, his wife, Rena Sokolow, and their daughter Jamie Sokolow Fenster were hurt in a 2002 bombing in Jerusalem. Credit Damon Winter/The New York Times It was a basic bank account at Arab Bank’s Al-Mazra branch in Beirut, Lebanon, unremarkable except for the name on the account: Osama Hamdan, a spokesman for the terrorist group Hamas. For the six years Mr. Hamdan maintained the account, at least three wire transfers sent to it were earmarked for Hamas, transactions that…
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By: Frimet Roth
In the wake of Operation Protective Edge, Israel is enduring an unprecedented deluge of condemnation. This is trying for the entire nation but is especially infuriating for families like mine. The crux of the vitriol is the large number of Gazan casualties in this latest conflict who were children. The blame for this is planted squarely at the feet of the Israel Defense Forces for firing at an enemy that attacks from positions in close proximity to those children. Most Israelis are aware…
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By: Alan M. Dershowitz
The key question-both legally and morally-in evaluating Israel’s recent military actions is whether the Israeli government was justified in ordering ground troops into Gaza to destroy the Hamas tunnels. This question is important because most of the deaths-among Palestinian civilians, Hamas terrorists and Israeli soldiers-came about after Israeli ground troops attacked the tunnels. These tunnels went deep underground from Gaza to Israel and were designed to allow Hamas death squads to cross…
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By: Moshe Phillips and Benyamin Korn
Much has been said and written about the terror tunnels that Hamas built in Gaza. But too little has been said about who it was that put the cement into Hamas’ hands, thus making the construction of the tunnels possible in the first place. Until now. In a bombshell revelation, Dennis Ross, the senior Mideast policy adviser to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from 2009 to 2011, has admitted that it was he who was assigned the task of pressuring Israel to ease up on its military…
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By: Louis René Beres
Why is Hamas putting its weapons in the middle of homes, schools, hospitals and mosques in the first place? Palestinian violence has been persistent in violating all rules of engagement, despite the signed Oslo II Interim Agreement of 1995, Article XIV of which states that the West Bank and the Gaza Strip shall be completely demilitarized. Now that the dust has begun to settle in Gaza after Israel’s Operation Protective Edge, it is again easy to feel sorry for the beleaguered Palestinians….
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Israel’s ambassador to Britain visits Bradford, following comments by George Galloway who declared the constituency an “Israel free zone”.
By: Elad Benari
George Galloway – Reuters Israel’s ambassador to Britain, Daniel Taub, visited the city of Bradford on Monday, following controversial comments by Bradford West MP George Galloway who an “Israel free zone” during a speech. According to the Telegraph & Argus, Taub said he was in the city as a result of invitations from within its community and would be using the visit to hold a series of meetings with councilors, faith leaders and other groups. That invitation came as…
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Hamas was said to have employed the U.S. banking system for finances and donations. A trial in U.S. court heard allegations that the Arab Bank funneled millions of dollars through the American banking system and to Hamas. Attorneys for the plaintiffs said Arab Bank, with headquarters in Amman, Jordan, required their employees to donate five percent to Hamas and the Palestinian revolt against Israel. “Millions, literally millions flowed right down the middle of Madison Avenue,” Tab…
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By: Naomi Pfefferman
In Peter Himmelman’s new music video of his song “Maximum Restraint,” the folk-rocker combines searing images of the conflict in Gaza with lyrics staunchly supporting Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas terrorism. The angry, even sarcastic song has come as something of a surprise to Himmelman’s fans, who know the artist for the kind of intensely emotional, spiritual tunes that grace his new album, “The Boat That Carries Us.” …
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A 15 minute film about a new perspective for peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians based on the discovery of the formerly classified minutes from the San Remo peace conference of April, 1920. This long hidden document explains the legal rights of the Jews as well as the Palestinians. By returning to the negotiating table and respecting historical facts and international law the film believes there can be real peace between Israel and the Palestinians.
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By: Eliyokim Cohen
Sheikh Ahmad Adwan, who introduces himself as a Muslim scholar who lives in Jordan, said on his personal Facebook page that there is no such thing as “Palestine” in the Koran. Allah has assigned the Holy Land to the Children of Israel until the Day of Judgment (Koran, Sura 5 – “The Sura of the Table”, Verse 21), and “We made the Children of Israel the inheritors (of the land)” (Koran, Sura 26 – “The Sura of the Poets”, Verse 59). “I…
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