
Israel Resource Review – Behind the News in Israel

A summary of the latest news from Israel. News events that are unreported by the mainstream media.

By: Atty. Yitzhak Heimowitz., Lawyer, Tel Aviv, Israel

Pres. Obama seems surprised that Bibi is so insistent on dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s in his letter of guarantees in order to extend the building moratorium for another 90 days. It’s hard to see why he is surprised. One of the first things he did when becoming president was to declare that the letter of guarantees which Pres. George Bush gave to Arik Sharon did not bind him or the U.S. So who can believe that any letter of guarantees he gives now will be any more binding than…

By: Arlene Kushner, Senior Media Research Analyst, Center for Near East Policy Research

What is being touted as minor glitches in the negotiations between Israel and the US with regard to the “freeze” deal are actually much more. And so the talking goes on and on. All day yesterday, I had this “any minute now” sense, even as I was picking up conflicting reports that were indicative of the gaps between the two sides. Yesterday, Haaretz reported that: “According to a US official, ‘If the moratorium deal goes through, we will continue to press for…

By: NGO Monitor

John Ging has been the head of the United Nation Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza since 2006. In this role, and despite his to the BDS (boycotts, divestment, and sanctions) movement, Ging has promoted political warfare targeting Israel, as illustrated by the following quotes: Support for “Free Gaza flotillas” provoking violent confrontations with Israel: In May 2010, Ging for flotillas to Gaza, encouraging the world to “see ships coming with [cut in video]… to the…

In October there was a debate in Cambridge; the proposition – “Israel is a rogue state”. Gabriel Latner was the Cambridge University law student who was assigned by the Cambridge Union debating society to argue the affirmative side of the proposition. He used the opportunity to take on others on his side and argue in favour of Israel. His conduct from the Cambridge Union. Lauren Booth was on the proposing side too. (Look up Google about her.) Gabriel won the debate for the…

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