Israel – Geneticists at an Israeli hospital said they have found a unique Jewish genetic mutation among an American Indian tribe, indicating that they are descendants of Jews expelled from Spain 600 years ago, local Haaretz daily reported on Wednesday.
The findings of the study, conducted at the Sheba Medical Center near Tel Aviv, show that a group of Indians from the State of Colorado bear the so-called “Ashkenazi mutation,” on the BRCA1 gene – a marker unique to European Jews.
Those “secret Jews,” or “Anusim” in Hebrew were believed to be descendants of a Jewish man who left Europe and settled in south America about 600 years ago – likely among the hundreds of thousands of Jews expelled by Spain in 1492, and possibly among those who sailed with Christopher Columbus, according to the report, which appears in the European Journal of Human Genetics.
Thanks to our dear friend Marvin for this story from