Israeli – Palestinian negotiations. What’s going on? I have no idea. So I did a cartoon about what’s going on in my head as I watch the unfolding news. –Dry Bones- Israel’s Political Comic Strip Since 1973.
By David Bedein for Behind the News in Israel
This week, if you followed newscasts on the Israel Broadcasting Authority and the Israel Defense Forces Radio and nearly all of the Israeli media, you would have been convinced that Israel has already freed 104 convicted murderers in accordance with the Israel Cabinet decision of July 28, and nothing can to be done to stop that process.
That is not the case.
Over the past few days, I wore my MSW hat and interfaced with social work professionals from Israel Prison Service system, who confirmed that, according to Israel penal law, there is no such thing as “automatic” clemency, pardon or commutation for someone who has been convicted of murder or attempted murder.
There is a “security risk” form that the Israel Prison Service must submit concerning each convict, known as “HaArachat Misukanut” which is binding upon the decision as to whether or not a convict can be released.
Most recently, a Jew convicted of attempted murder of Arabs – and sentenced to 15 years in jail – was refused commutation of his sentence.
Professionals who prepared the “HaArachat Misukanut” in his case would not recommend a change in the sentence meted out the Jewish convict.
What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
Following the Israel Government decision to recommend release of 104 Arabs convicted for first degree murder, the Israel Prison Service awaits a mandatory request for a “HaArachat Misukanut” in each case from the government of Israel.
If the convict does not pass the test of the “HaArachat Misukanut”, Israeli law will not allow the convict out of jail.
With widespread anger festering against release of convicted murderers, in Israel and outside of Israel, and a protest rally planned in New York planned for Thursday, August 1, the focus of protest should be to demand that Israeli government ministers act in according with the Israeli law.
The demand must be made that Israeli government ministers who voted to free those convicted of murder must give each of names to the “HaArachat Misukanut” procedure.
In previous releases of Arab murder convicts, lives of Israeli civilians and soldiers hung in the balance. This time, no life of any Israeli hangs in the balance.
The only people in danger are the people whom these convicts might harm in the future.
The time has come to demand that the Israeli government act according to the Israeli penal law.
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