This is a series of articles just posted on the latest in the current crises in the Middle East and its ramifications globally.
Thanks to David Bedein’s Israel Resource Review for access to these articles.
President: The solution to international legitimacy and stop the settlements, but we will go to the United Nations Chairman: Go to the Security Council does not aim to isolate Israel. Date: 27/08/2011 Time: 13:37 WAFA (PLO news agency) Google translation —– President Mahmoud Abbas during his participation in the Third Meeting of the imams and preachers, Ramallah 08.27.2011 (WAFA). The following is the text of the President’s speech: – In the name of God the Merciful. Praise be…
Israel Traffics Palestinian Body Parts, Says Qaraqe’e Date: 28/8/2011 Time: 23:06 —– RAMALLAH, August 28, 2011 (WAFA) – Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs, Issa Qaraqe, Sunday said that Israel is the largest international trade center for body parts, due to its continuous trafficking of the remains of Palestinian bodies, which are held by the Israeli government. During a speech he delivered in the national day of the Campaign to Recover the Remains of Palestinians and Arabs…
[Dr. Aaron Lerner – IMRA: It should be noted that the entire PA leadership – including Mahmoud Abbas – demands that Israel release absolutely every Palestinian held by Israel for attacks against Israelis. The Palestinian who carried out the attack now joins the group they demand Israel releases. Note also the wording of the condemnation. It limits the condemnation to the attacks against civilians. It has nothing to say, therefore, about the action that the terrorist took against police and…
By: Noam Bedein
It took me 20 minutes to drive to Ashdod from Tel-Aviv on Sunday morning August 21st, 2 days after Ashdod, the fifth biggest city in Israel, was hit by seven Grad missiles fired from Hamas controlled Gaza. According the IDF Spokesperson’s Office, over 100 rockets and mortars were fired towards Israel since Friday August 19th. As has been the routine in Sderot for the past five years, my car windows are rolled down, the radio volume is lowered, and I get ready to hear a siren that…
Since its establishment in 1993, the Palestinian Authority has been the leading political body for achieving Palestinian rights in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. But behind the scenes in the UN, the Committee for the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People has been holding a knife to Israel’s back since 1975. And just recently, this monstrous organization based within the venerable corridors of the UN lashed out maliciously and baselessly at Israel again. On August 19, the UN…
By: Daniel Pipes
The following replies to a question posed by National Review Online: “With Qaddafi vowing a win or martyrdom and Assad being urged to step down by the West, what has happened to the Arab Spring this summer? Has it been a summer of progress… democracy… Western-media delusion? Where stands the Arab Spring as we prepare to mark the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks? We asked a group of Middle East experts.” For the answers by the other twelve authors, see “.” Round…
Just as nobody, even in German schools, would dream of teaching the German ‘narrative’ regarding World War II, the 1948 war should also not be taught as a battle between narratives. In the final analysis, there is a historical truth.
By: Shlomo Avineri
On September 1, 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland. That is truth, not narrative. On December 7, 1941, Japanese planes attacked and destroyed the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor. That is truth, not narrative. Of course, there are also narratives. For example, the Germans had quite a few complaints against Poland. First, that in the 1919 Versailles Treaty, the victorious Western powers stripped Germany of territories with a large ethnic German population and annexed them to Poland (the…
By: Barry Rubin
Readers of my column know that I have written repeatedly that the “Ground Zero” mosque would never be built for reasons having nothing to do with politics. The main financiers and the imam have gotten into one legal problem after another and Allstate Insurance Company is now launching a for fraud against one of them. As we approach the tenth anniversary of September 11, it’s clear that there isn’t going to be a mosque next to the World Trade Center attack site. From…
By: Ileana-Ros-Lehtinen
The recent onslaught of violent attacks against Israel reminds us of the growing threats facing the Jewish state. But even as extremists from Gaza fire rockets and mortars at civilians in southern Israel and cause death and destruction, we must not forget about another danger facing Israel: a unilateral campaign by Palestinian leaders to secure recognition from individual foreign governments and from the United Nations for a self-declared Palestinian “state.” This anti-Israel,…