‘After what we suffered in the Holocaust 60 years ago, how can we not help tens of thousands seeking refuge from wars in the Middle East and Africa?’ IsraAID relief volunteers distributing supplies in Iraq last month. Photo: courtesy
IsraAID sending team to help refugees in Europe.
Streams of desperate refugees flooding Europe from the Middle East, Asia and Africa will soon get a helping hand from IsraAID , a non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in Israel in 2001 to bring lifesaving disaster relief and long-term support wherever needed.
“We are running a campaign with the goal of inspiring the Jewish people and Israel to help the hundreds of thousands of refugees washed up on the shores of Europe,” says IsraAID Director Shachar Zahavi.
The current refugee crisis in Europe is considered the largest since World War II. Vast numbers of displaced people fleeing war and economic chaos are attempting to reach southern European shores by boat, road and rail, with often fatal results.
According to the United Nations, more than 2,500 migrants and refugees have died or gone missing this year while crossing the Mediterranean Sea. The most recent tragedy occurred this week in Turkey, when the bodies of Syrian refugees Aylan Kurdi, 3, and his brother Galip, 5, washed ashore after their overcrowded dinghy capsized on its way to Greece. Their mother also perished.
The beginning of a tsunami
“What’s happening in Europe right now is the beginning of a tsunami,” said Professor Arnon Soffer, head of the Chaiklin Chair in Geostrategy at the University of Haifa, who claims that the Middle East is deteriorating as population growth, water scarcity and climate change take their toll. “It is not a short affair that will pass quickly – we are witnessing the beginning of a mass migration, such as the incursions of the peoples of the sea or the Huns.”
Contributions can be given online at IsraAID’s website. Tax receipts are available for donors from the US and UK.
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IsraAID sending team to help refugees in Europe