Summary: This project will see IsraAID send an emergency relief team to Nepal to help with relief efforts, distribute emergency supplies, provide medical services, and help government authorities respond to the situation
What is the issue, problem, or challenge?
On Saturday 25th of April, 2015, at 11:56 am local time, a 7.9 magnitude earthquake devastated Nepal, and its capital Kathmandu. A Metropolis of over 2.5 million people, the Kathmandu Valley is also the most earthquake vulnerable city in the world, with construction often very poor, and infrastructure nearly non-existent. The full extent of the damage remains unknown, but initial reports suggest massive damage and loss of life, with the death toll rising to 686 within the first few hours.
How will this project solve this problem?
IsraAID will deploy its emergency relief team to provide food, water, and relief items, medical services, and psycho-social services to devastated communities within the Kathmandu Valley and outside. The immediate concerns are basic supplies, shelter, and medical services for the injured
Potential Long Term Impact
Initial efforts are focusing on the immediate survival of those without access to food, clean water, or medical services. At the same time, IsraAID’s ERT will perform needs assessments to focus efforts on long-term recovery via agriculture, fishery, and water infrastructure, as well as capacity-building in the field of psycho-social services (PSS) to increase coping mechanisms and resilience after tragic events such as this earthquake
Funding Information
Total Funding Received to Date: $8,761
Remaining Goal to be Funded: $90,239
Total Funding Goal: $99,000
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From Crisis Management to Sustainable Living
IsraAID, founded in 2001, is a non-profit, non-governmental organization committed to providing life-saving disaster relief and long term support. For over a decade, our teams of professional medics, search & rescue squads, post-trauma experts and community mobilizers, have been first on the front lines of nearly every major humanitarian response in the 21st century. Our mission is to efficiently support and meet the changing needs of populations as they strive to move from crisis to reconstruction/rehabilitation, and eventually, to sustainable living.
Core Values
One of our trademarks is our ability to draw from ever expanding networks of highly experienced professionals. From world leading therapists to top agronomists, we offer innovative solutions and day -to-day sustainability through our team of seasoned and dedicated aid workers.
Innovation & Dynamism
Every crisis is different, and so are the people it affects. After more than a decade operating in some of the most challenging and unstable environments around the globe, we have been able to create an efficient framework of support for both long term and short term needs.
Partnership & Sustainability
It is our belief that the local population must be involved at every stage of a project – from planning to implementation, all the way to the final monitoring and evaluation. For this reason, we have built strong connections with all significant parties operating in each region such as government, international and national organizations, and the local communities themselves.
In over a decade, we have…
- Responded to crises in 22 countries
- Reached over 1,000,000 people
- Distributed over 1,000 tons of relief and medical supplies
- Trained more than 5,000 local professionals
- Mobilized over 750 staff, volunteers, and professionals (among them 156 doctors and nurses and 100 therapists and social workers).