As peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians are stalled, Iran fills the vacuum by encouraging Hamas to continue the armed struggle against Israel and by trying to convince arabs from moderate states to support Iran’s militant course of action against Israel.
Tehran views the “22-Day War” (Israel’s Operation Cast Lead) as a direct continuation of the “33-day War” (second Lebanon War in 2006). Iran believes fierce combat “resistance” is an effective and viable way of defeating Israel, or at least of forcing it to pay a heavy price.
Iran is using Hezbollah, it’s proxy in Lebanon, and Hamas in Gaza to attack Israel from 2 fronts. While Shiite Hezbollah was founded by Iran and is used to spread the Iranian revolution into Lebanon, Hamas is a Sunni organization. By supporting Hamas’ terror against Israel, Iran puts aside its Shiite Islamic aspiration for advancing the fight against the Jewish state.
During an official visit in Syria, Iranian security official Ali Baqeri emphasized that plans aimed at brokering a compromise between Palestinians and the Zionist regime are doomed to failure. He went on to say that the “popularity of the discourse of resistance among the regional governments is growing, and resistance has become a dominant political approach in the region.”
While meeting with Palestinians leaders, the Iranian top security official underlined the key role of resistance in determining the future of the region.
This is part of Tehran’s long-term strategy to turn the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, into a common denominator in its attempt to persuade the Arab and Muslim world to adopt its leadership and ideology. The Iranian stamp below shows Iran’s agenda with regard to the armed struggle against Israel.
Iran is trying to create a new world order. In recent addresses, President Ahmadinejad has been reiterating his belief that Iran represents a viable alternative to the existing world order, and that Iran is, at the very least, an equal player in terms of determining what he refers to as the “regional equations.” Ahmadinejad has repeatedly emphasized the fall of communism and the “severe difficulties faced by capitalism”, claiming that Iran and its ideological teachings are emerging as the next major alternative to these ideologies. Ahmadinejad also claimed that the old world order centered around the US and the West is no longer valid, and neither are the attempts to solve the region’s problems, especially the Palestinian question, by forging an agreement with Israel.
Iran’s ideology which goes against the western agenda needs to keep the Palestinian-Israel conflict alive. To do that Iran will continue to support radical Islamic terror against Israel and western interests in the region. Israel is all for peace