
Iran Expands International Media Outfit, Backs Hezbollah News

Iran Govt. Outlet Begins 24-hour Spanish-language Channel Iran’s Press TV grooms English-language anti-Israel coverage Al-Manar, Hezbollah news channel, incites terrorism< Al-Alam News support Iran’s ties to Arab world

JERUSALEM, Oct. 2010 – Press TV, Iran’s first English-language media venture launched in 2007 by the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), is stepping up its international operations with a round-the-clock Spanish-language channel and iFilm, which broadcasts Iranian movies and TV to about 300 million Arabic-speakers in the Arab world. [1]

Official Press TV Logo.  Press TV is Iran’s first English-language media venture with offices throughout the world.

Based in Tehran, Press TV maintains offices throughout the world. [2]

Whereas the government-backed Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) overtly supports Hezbollah, [3] Press TV’s content is more subtle. Programs are centered on U.S. foreign policy and the Middle East, particularly Israel and the Palestinians. It also has a sister company, Atlantic Television News, based in Denmark and with an office in downtown Washington, D.C. [4]

Al-Alam News, Iran’s Arabic-language media outfit, highlights direct statements from Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. References to the U.S-Israel relationship are frequent, particularly those questioning the two countries’ ties. [5]

Iran-backed Hezbollah’s News long-established channel, Al-Manar, stresses its ties to Iran and its support for attacks against Israel. Al-Manar was launched in 1991 and is a mass media outlet, calling itself the “station of resistance” against Israel.

Al-Manar is the preferred outlet for Palestinian groups claiming responsibility for terrorist attacks against Israelis. It is a popular Lebanese news site that broadcasts images of Hezbollah fighters in addition to glorifying attacks on Israel. The United States and Germany banned the station due to its incitement of terrorist activity. [6]

A bill approved by the U.S. House of Representatives and slated for a vote by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, directs President Obama “to transmit to Congress a report on anti-American incitement to violence in the Middle East, and for other purposes.” The bill targets news agencies such as Hezbollah’s Al-Manar. [7]

Al-Manar also promotes Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as a friend of Lebanon and touts his upcoming visit to Lebanon on Oct. 13-14.

Al-Manar’s Web site states, “The visit is the first of its kind, and therefore is exceptional and significant. That’s why Hezbollah and AMAL movement called on Lebanese for wide participation in the reception of the ‘great guest’…Ahmadinejad’s visit to Lebanon has garnered full official interest on the country’s internal scene as Prime Minister Saad Hariri is expected to hold a luncheon banquet in his honor.” [8]

Al-Manar studios are located in Beirut’s Hezbollah-controlled southern suburb, Harat Hurayk. The poor, conservative, Shi’ite neighborhood takes direction from Nasrallah. As opposed to other Lebanese news stations closed down for violation of Lebanon’s law against propaganda, Al-Manar enjoys the tacit support of Beirut and Damascus in addition to Tehran.

Muslim communities in Europe, Canada, and the United States provide funding through large donations to Al-Manar. They also appeal for donations and solicit funds under Hezbollah’s name as well as “The Intifada in Occupied Palestine Fund,” “The Palestine Uprising” and “The Resistance Information Donation Fund.” In 2004, reports revealed most of the male reporters were guerrilla fighters before joining Al-Manar. [9]

Al-Manar also has corporate advertisers. In order to circumvent advertising that is religiously suspect, Al-Manar set up its own advertising company—Media Public Management—which has worked with 35 advertising firms, including Britain’s Saatchi and Saatchi. European and Western companies continue to advertise on Al-Manar.

Funding also comes from Hezbollah’s business ventures located in Beirut, south Lebanon, and the Bekaa Valley. Enterprises include heavy machinery and drug trafficking. [10]


[1] “Iran to launch iFilm TV on Eid-ul-Fitr,” Press TV, Sept. 6, 2010,

[2] Ibid.

[3] “Nasrollah: Ahmadinejad increases Iran’s support for resistance,” Islamic Republic News Agency. accessed Oct. 10, 2010,

[4] Kirchick, James, “The Persian Version,” Winter 2009, Vol. 19, No. 1, City Journal, accessed Oct. 11, 2010,

[5] “Why does the US let Israel get away with having a nuclear arsenal,” AlAlam News, July 13, 2010,

[6] “Hezbollah: ‘Zionist Lobby’ behind Germany’s ban on Al-Manar TV,” Haaretz, Nov. 21, 2008,

[7] H.R. 2278, 111th Congress 2009-2010. accessed Oct. 10, 2010,

[8] “Lebanon Prepares to Celebrate Ahmadinejad’s Significant Visit,” Al-Manar, Oct. 10, 2010

[9] Jorisch, Avi, “Al-Manar: Hizbullah TV, 24/7,” Middle East Quarterly, Winter 2007, pp.17-31. accessed Oct. 10, 2010,

[10] Ibid.

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