The information provided comes from Walid Shoebat. When it comes to the film Innocence of Muslims, our government and the media uses a narrative mired in contradictions and false statements provided by the filmmaker, who himself is an untrustworthy source.
If we stick to what can be proven we might obtain the possibility that terror supporters produced the film. Muhammad Al Dura and Paliwood are two cases in point showing the type of stunts used by Palestinian terrorists.
So lets examine facts instead of the filmmaker’s fiction.
Court documents reveal that Nakoula Bacile Nakoula, producer of the movie Innocence of Muslims, partnered in a scheme with Eiad Salameh, my first cousin.
Eiad is a Muslim terror supporter and is not an Egyptian Copt.
He comes from Beit Sahour, Bethlehem and is well known by the FBI and the Arab community as a conduit for Middle Easterners who can obtain authentic, legitimate identifications, from passports to credit cards that include many nationalities. He then places these forms of identification into the hands of dubious characters that are not the real identity.
In fact, I revealed Eiad Salameh way before this whole fiasco erupted—in 2008 and the first reporting on the connection between Eiad and Nakoula was revealed on September 14th, 2012 by the Smoking Gun, which published court documents that prove these two were connected in 2009, as part of a major financial fraud scheme.
The narrative that circulates the media fails to address crucial questions about the mystery of this film.
For example, to date, no one has stepped forward or can confirm for certain that whoever holds an identity by the name of Nakoula Bacile Nakoula is even that man. After all, he held several identifications, including Muslim names. He could have easily presented a valid I.D. when he was arrested, yet he was likely not the man on that I.D.
Such a claim isn’t easily dismissed; if an Egyptian by the name of Nakoula Bacile Nakoula is blamed for angering over a billion Muslims, it would not be that difficult to find the entire family in Egypt, to include brothers, cousins, aunts, siblings wife, wives, ex-wives, mistresses, and pets, et. al., especially since the riots that spanned across 30 nations were sparked in Egypt.
In the Middle East, you are known by your clan. Yet, Egypt cannot produce neither this man’s family or his background?
Besides, why would Nakoula – who claims to be a religious Coptic activist – have extensive connections with Eiad, a man who I know hates Copts and is well-known to be among the best schemers the Middle East produced and has contacts with terror networks?
This terror connect is not devoid of evidence. The Daily Beast reported on Nakoula’s arrest:
The bust came around the time the feds were launching Operation Mountain Express, which would become a huge investigation into pseudoephedrine-dealing involving numerous people of a Middle Eastern background. The authorities initially insisted there were no links to terrorism, but suddenly switched and decided that a chunk of the money was going to Hizbullah.
The Eiad Nakoula connection was likely terror-related.
Nakoula impersonated himself as an Israeli Jew, a thing Eiad also did for years and fraudulently holds an authentic Israeli passport.
To date, no one has produced proof to authenticate Nakoula. Yet, evidence shows with 100% certainty that both my cousin Eiad and Nakoula had multiple, fraudulent identities as we showed in our detailed report, which includes valid court records, a U.S. Trustee report, credit reports and our correspondence with Canadian intelligence.
How is it possible that these two strange bedfellows would snuggle up together? On the one hand, we have an Egyptian-Coptic-anti-Muslim-activist-fundamentalist-Christian turned Meth-dealer and on the other hand, we have a Muslim-Palestinian scam-artist-terrorist.
Some might counter that these two only had a fling. After all, Nakoula was simply a runner for Eiad in 2009.
What has never been disclosed until now is that the two were linked for at least a decade, from year 2000 through a bank fraud relationship in 2009.
Nakoula had used the name “P.J Tobacco” and Eiad was linked to a tobacco smuggling operation into Syria in 2001 by using a fictitious name (A & M Trading) as revealed in the U.S. Trustee report in 2001.
Nakoula used M & A Trading in 2009 with his pseudoephedrine dealings.
He simply switched letters; “A & M” became “M & A”.
Nakoula used Eiad’s last name when he assumed the identity of a one “Erwin Salameh”, portraying himself as Eiad’s brother.
We also learned – from our contact in the IBC – that Eiad was involved with someone having the last name “Tanas” and Nakoula had used the name “Thomas J. Tanas”.
Both clans “Nakoula” and clan “Tanas” exist in Eiad’s village, in Beit Sahour Bethlehem. It is still the little town of Bethlehem as it was in biblical times.
Now let’s examine “Nakoula’s” motives.
I obtained the Sawa radio interview in Arabic in which he was identified as “Nakoula Bacile”.
In that interview, he was asked:
What is your position on the Jewish and the Christian faiths?
Nakoula responded,
“I have no calling for these religions.”
He continued to state that he was an author of several anti-Islam books (written in Arabic) but refused to give the titles of his books.
Yet, if court documents give his legal name as Nakoula Bacile Nakoula, I found no books under that name. Nothing – and neither was anyone able to produce any.
The media’s narrative has nothing and this supposed Nakoula was proven a liar a hundred times over.
Yet, the media purports that the man is a Christian activist Copt. All of this man’s claims have been proven to be lies.
However, this one is believed?
Even what his friend stated to the court, that Nakoula is “a God-fearing man whose first priority is his family” contradicts what he said in Arabic. He is not interested in Christianity or Judaism and is possibly a Muslim.
So who funded the film? Nakoula claimed that he produced the film with money ($50,000 to $60,000) that came from his wife’s family in Egypt.
None of this has been proven.
What has been proven is that he embezzled millions with Eiad. The money must have come from these scandalous operations, which our government finally admitted is linked to terrorist activity.
Who ever made this film, claimed Jews funded him and that he was Copt. Obviously, this was intended to do harm to his real enemies — Israel and the Copts.
Both Copts and Israel are Eiad’s ardent enemies. This is indisputable.
Now, to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that the feds were complacent…
Justice Department lawyers and federal agents, despite Nakoula’s two previous offenses, defended Nakoula and gave several excuses to Judge Snyder, and pushed for leniency, all because of him supposedly promising to help them catch Eiad:
…he [Nakoula] has implicated Mr. Salamay [aka Salameh] there is no question that Mr. Salamay at some point is gonna be indicted if he hasn’t already been… we all know what’s gonna happen. Salamay is gonna get arrested some day and based on the debriefing information turned over he is gonna enter a guilty plea, or if he doesn’t, then Mr. Nakoula is going to be called in to testify…
If the feds were looking to catch Eiad, he had been engaged his shenanigans for three decades, warrants were issued, his location was known and no arrests were ever made… in thirty some years.
The evidence mounted. However, Eiad was not immune in Canada and was finally caught and locked up there in January 2011. We have emails from the Intelligence Bureau in Canada (IBC) who wrote us. The Canadians wanted to keep Eiad in custody as long as it took to extradite him to the United States. Yet, the U.S. refused for seven months to take him and preferred to fly him to Palestine.
On July 15th, 2011, the Canadians wrote me:
He is awaiting deportation to Palestine, unless the US hurry up and indict him…
The feds never responded to the Canadians’ last appeal and within a few days, Eiad was sent to Palestine.
I realize that people might try to shoot holes in what we are saying. However, the media has very little evidence to prove its narrative, while we present much validated facts that prove much while leaving more to uncover.
The results of this entire Innocence of Muslims fiasco will not be the apprehension of terrorists, but the continual chipping away at our First-Amendment freedoms.
Unfortunately, many Americans still practice self-blame. The film was made in the U.S., a nation that is not used to schemes like Muhammad Al Dura or what was shown in Pallywood.
Welcome to Palywwood II.
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