IDF – Watch Israel and Gaza Explained

Lt. Col. Shefler share the facts about Hamas and Gaza.

IDF – Watch Israel and Gaza Explained

You‘ve heard about it. You’ve seen pictures and videos. But there’s so much more to know… In Gaza, innocent people are suffering at the hands of Hamas. Hamas is a terrorist organization that was founded in 1987 and violently took control over Gaza in 2007. Ever since, it has terrorized its own people and terrorized Israelis by carrying out suicide bombings and shootings, firing rockets, launching drones and arson balloons at Israel and more. Hamas built an extensive underground terrorist tunnel network to transport weapons, hide terrorists, carry out attacks and infiltrate into Israel. The terrorist organization deliberately embeds its infrastructure in civilian areas, using innocent people in Gaza as human shields. WATCH Lt. Col. Shefler share the facts about Hamas and Gaza.

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