J Street in the USA is holding its convention in Washington D.C.. It pretends to be a “pro peace” and Pro-Israel” lobbying organization. But in reality it is a convention that is anti-Israel and anti-Zionist. Many of its speakers have addressed this convention expressing the tired worn out rhetoric of half-truths and out right lies about Israel, its people and our national intent toward the Palestinians. It is this despicable display of anti-Israeli speakers that evoke cheers from the audience.
As someone who has voted for the Israeli Kadima party and Livni as it’s head I can not with any honesty support or ever vote for this party again since they sent representatives to J Street convention. It disgusts me that my party feels so compelled to even be in the same room with these radical haters of Israel clothed in the guise of caring about the Jewish people and the Jewish State. Enough of my rant and outrage. The following video addresses the Israel that we have come to admire, respect and love. And of course willingly support with our lives.