Honoring Their Excellence: Two Outstanding IDF Soldiers

 IDF Soldiers

IDF Soldiers Every year, out of thousands of candidates, the President of Israel honors the most outstanding soldiers in the IDF. These soldiers are an inspiration to their peers, acting as leaders and demonstrating the highest degree of excellence. We sat down with two of these exceptional soldiers and heard their stories.


 IDF Soldiers Every year, out of thousands of candidates, the President of Israel honors the most outstanding soldiers in the IDF. These soldiers are an inspiration to their peers, acting as leaders and demonstrating the highest degree of excellence. We sat down with two of these exceptional soldiers and heard their stories.

 IDF Soldiers


Saving Lives with Honor

“I’m just like any other soldier, but I’ve had the opportunity to prove myself,” begins First Sergeant Alon Duanis. Not only is he accomplished; he is incredibly modest.

1st Sgt. Alon Duanis

1st Sgt. Alon Duanis

Throughout his service, Alon served near Israel’s northern border and treated Syrian civilians in need of medical attention. “It was very difficult to see people who were so seriously injured,” he said.

1st Sgt. Duanis was recruited to the IDF Armored Corps in August 2013, following in the footsteps of his brother, who had been a Deputy Company Commander in the 401 Brigade. At first, he was assigned as a tank driver, and after proving his dedication and excellence, he was sent to a medic course, and became a company medic in the 401 Brigade.

Over half a year ago, while 1st Sgt. Duanis was stationed in Gaza, the IDF detonated a Hamas smuggling tunnel. While drilling in the tunnel, an oil barrel exploded on the team members, and 4 soldiers were severely injured.

Members of the IDF medical team that saves Syrian lives on Israel’s northern border

Members of the IDF medical team that saves Syrian lives on Israel’s northern border

“I arrived at one of the soldiers when he was already undressed,” recalls 1st Sgt. Duanis. “His face was completely burned, and his eyes were red.” Alon took the injured soldier into his tank and began treating him. As the tank retreated, he checked the soldier’s vitals and focused on keeping him alive. “You have to ignore the chaos and just focus.”

Around four months ago, 1st Sgt. Duanis took part in an exercise in northern Israel in which soldiers were injured. “One of the soldiers required a field operation. Another one lost consciousness. One of the soldiers was an officer that served in the same department as I do. He spoke to me while I treated him. I smiled at them, I made them laugh. It helps.”

“Being a medic means having a lot of responsibility, it’s an important job. And it’s very hard. You always have to keep calm. Not everyone is equipped to deal with these situations. Sometimes you have to lie to the soldier you are treating to keep him from panicking.”


IDF Medical Corps tests new methods for rescuing wounded soldiers

Though he doesn’t tell his family the details of his job so as not to worry them, they are very proud of his work. His friends value him and trust him. When asked his reaction to receiving the President’s Award of Excellence, he says: “I feel appreciated. It feels good.”

From New York to the IDF

“When I told my friends I was going to make Aliya and volunteer in the IDF, everyone told me I was crazy,” said Corporal A, who came to Israel all the way from New York, where he worked on Wall Street. His reason? “I wanted to do something I’m proud of. I realized working on Wall Street wasn’t for me. I wanted to do more than that. I wanted to help this country, and being a soldier in the IDF is a great opportunity.”

 IDF Soldiers

Corporal A

Corporal A

Cpl. A decided to join the IDF’s Airborne Rescue and Evacuation Unit 669. “The people here are my family,” he says. “And when you stand together as a group, you are way more powerful, way more effective. You can do better.”

Even though Cpl A’s work is very difficult, he says he feels great satisfaction. “If I hadn’t joined the IDF, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I look at myself and at my life, and I realize how much I have achieved and how far I have come.

 IDF Soldiers

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