
Holocaust Remembrance Day – Remembering the Past re-shaping the Future


YadVashem : Containing the world’s largest repository of information on the Holocaust, Yad Vashem is a leader in Holocaust education, commemoration, research and documentation. Located in Jerusalem, Israel, Yad Vashem’s 45 acre campus comprises museums, exhibitions, memorials, sculptures, gardens, and world class research and education centers.

Millions each year access Yad Vashem’s vast resources in order to study, teach and commemorate the Holocaust.

Surviving the Holocaust: Yaakov Hollander’s Story
Ya’akov Hollander was a ten-year-old boy living in Krakow, Poland, when WWII broke out. Deported from his home and eventually crammed into the Krakow ghetto, Ya’akov passed through twelve different concentration camps during the Holocaust. A walking skeleton when he was finally liberated, Yaakov had lost both his parents and most of his family in the Holocaust. With his world completely destroyed, Yaakov turned to music in an attempt to cope with his loss. Joining a children’s choir in a camp for child survivors, Yaakov forged a lifelong bond with music, becoming a composer, musical arranger and choir conductor. Despite all of the horror he faced as a child, through the help of music, Yaakov has managed to remain an optimistic person.

Mourners Pray

The Mourners’ Kaddish



Yit-gadal v’yit-kadash sh’may raba b’alma dee-v’ra che-ru-tay, ve’yam-lich mal-chutay b’chai-yay-chon uv’yo-may-chon uv-cha-yay d’chol beit Yisrael, ba-agala u’vitze-man ka-riv, ve’imru amen.

Y’hay sh’may raba me’varach le-alam uleh-almay alma-ya.

Yit-barach v’yish-tabach, v’yit-pa-ar v’yit-romam v’yit-nasay, v’yit-hadar v’yit-aleh v’yit-halal sh’may d’koo-d’shah, b’rich hoo. layla (ool-ayla)* meen kol beer-chata v’she-rata, toosh-b’chata v’nay-ch’mata, da-a meran b’alma, ve’imru amen.

Y’hay sh’lama raba meen sh’maya v’cha-yim aleynu v’al kol Yisrael, ve’imru amen.

O’seh shalom beem-romav, hoo ya’ah-seh shalom aleynu v’al kol Yisrael, ve’imru amen.

* Add on Shabbat



Magnified and sanctified be G-d’s great name in the world which He created according to His will. May he establish His kingdom during our lifetime and during the lifetime of Israel. Let us say, Amen.

May G-d’s great name be blessed forever and ever.

Blessed, glorified, honored and extolled, adored and acclaimed be the name of the Holy One, though G-d is beyond all praises and songs of adoration which can be uttered. Let us say, Amen.

May there be peace and life for all of us and for all Israel. Let us say, Amen.

Let He who makes peace in the heavens, grant peace to all of us and to all Israel. Let us say, Amen.

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