Happy New Year from all of us at IsraelSeen. Here are a few short videos that share our hope and desire for peace.
This year, 2012, will be the most important year in Israel’s history.
The world will never be the same again. With revolutions erupting
across the Middle East, elections in the United States of America and
the European economy in turmoil, NOW IS THE TIME to stand with Israel.
Make a resolution to support The Land of Israel.com and join us in
spreading the truth and beauty of Israel with the world. The world
needs to know the truth now more than ever before.
“The eyes of the Lord your God are always upon it, from the beginning
of the year, until the year’s end.” Deuteronomy 11:12. The eyes of
the world are focused on Israel – as what will happen in Jerusalem, will
ultimately happen to the rest of the world.
Support our work at www.thelandofisrael.com
The IDF wishes you a happy new year. Like & Share with friends!
As the new year approaches, the IDF looks back on the major events of 2011 – a year full of hope and growth, but also overshadowed by terrorism and unrest. May all of our challenges help us grow into a better future, and may the coming year be a happy and peaceful one.