We are entering the year 5768 on the Jewish calendar. The past year has been another troubled and disturbing period in human history. In the Jewish world topics of importance seems to have been Israel, assimilation, anti-Semitism, Iraq war and Iran.
In Israel major concerns have been Palestinian Terror, Peace, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas and the present government.
Domestically, our concerns have focused on poverty, the return of our kidnapped soldiers, African refugees, foreign workers, rabbinical tyranny, violence, corruption, and the maintaining our standard of living that must include all sectors of our society.
My personal concerns have been reflected in my blog comments from time to time. I have focused much energy on Israel Seen as an expression of our love and concern for this amazing contradiction: Israel.
To witness the exuberant emotions of newly arrived immigrants defies all reality. I know the feeling intimately. It is contagious and must be preserved at all cost. This is not an easy place to live. The culture clashes sometimes can make a cynical person out of me. But a breath or two allows these contradictions to ease through the maze of emotions that this place conjures up. Yes, life is full here. Every day is an adventure. Nothing can be taken for granted. I feel safe living here but we all know that at any moment it can end in tragedy.
Actually, the myth of living outside Israel with a sense of complacency is in fact a delusion. Our sense of security compromises us into a stupor and dream like state where the here and Now just never seems to arrive. Until of course some major tragedy or trauma grips us.
It is a useless attempt at escaping from life living in Israel. Living in the present is a way of life for us. Even the daily routines bring surprises and beauty in a country that can at times show its lowest common denominator.
The new year of 5768 in the world of gematria or Jewish mystical manipulation of numbers and letter values is 5+7+6+8 = 26.
26= the gematria for the Holy Name. 26=double Love (love is 13)
There are 13 letters in the Hebrew names of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.
There are 13 letters in the Hebrew names of Sara, Rifka, Rachel and Leah. Together the fathers and mothers = 26.
( I want to thank Reb David for this insight.)
May this new year bring the blessings of our ancestors to all of Am Israel. May we be blessed with clarity in leadership, love for each other, compassion for the less fortunate and Peace.
May we have the strength and love to forgive ourselves and each other. May we be blessed in the love of Zion and in the presence of the NOW.