
Greetings, Saalam, Shalom Mr. President of the USA and of the PA

Greetings, Saalam & Shalom Mr. President (of the USA and of the PA)

Everybody seems to take it for granted that a “Palestinian State” is for Palestinians, who are by enlarge Arab & Muslim. Like The Arab Republic of Egypt it might even title itself as Democratic Palestine Arab Republic or like The Islamic Republic of Iran; the Islamic Republic of Palestine.

It should not be difficult to explain, and everyone agree, that the proposed second state therefore would be Jewish.

For some reason not only does Obama not understand this, even Netanyahu seems to be clueless, and can not get past rejecting the Two State Solution out of hand. Yet getting nowhere with his insistence that Abbas & the Palestinians accept the idea of Israel as a Jewish State.

Now, if we agree to one state being Palestinian, Arab Muslim but the Palestinians/Arabs do not agree or accept that the “other” state being defined as Jewish…

I think this will help people to understand our hesitant stance and sense of distrust, on the mantra, “Two States for Two People”.

The critical issue here is to make public, in a manor loud and clear with out the possibility of ambiguities, that it is the Arab/Palestinian side that is unable or unwilling to recognize and negotiate a true Two States for Two People, with our Jewish state.

In truth it goes deeper than that. What is really at stake is the really entire conflict, which is about one single issue. The legitimacy of the historic claim of the Jewish people to any of the land between the river (Jordan) and the sea (Mediterranean).

The imperative of Israel as a Jewish state is second to that single simple idea.

This is needed for any kind of reconciliation or “peace” in order to rewire the Arab/Palestinian/Muslim world’s belief that the Jews came from Europe for the sole reason of stealing this valuable land from them. Evidently PM Netanyahu also needs to understand this reality and make clear that the other state, called Israel, will be what we define as a Jewish state. The Jewish State of Israel! Sadly, this phrase needs to be repeated over and over.

The May 19th Jerusalem Post headline read “Obama insists Palestinians must have state” OK, fine

Now he and even Mr. Netanyahu, need to make clear that the Jewish people are entitled to a state and must also have at least one!

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