
Galilee International Economic Forum & Baroque Opera Fest

 Henkel France

Galilee International Economic Forum & Baroque Opera Fest

September 25-26, 2016

Crusaders Fortress, Akko

“Meet in Galilee”, supported by by the Rothschild Foundation and the Orange Foundation is a project seeking to reinforce existing dialogue and establish connections between Israel and global corporations. Focusing on those areas of innovation and technology where Israel has excelled, panels will engage with cyber security, big data, innovation in healthcare and digital consumer disruptions.

Key note speakers, panelists and guests of the Forum include:

Professor Philippe Aghion of College de France

Avi Hasson – Chief Scientist, Ministry of Economy State of Israel,

Marko Erman FR – Senior VP, Chief Technical Officer Thales Group

Einat Zysman  –  CEO FUTURX, Pini Orbach – Head of Pharma Arkin Holdings

Yoelle Maarek – VP Head of Worldwide Yahoo Research

This International Economic Forum will take place in a beautiful area  and will be underpinned by the Baroque Opera Festival taking place under its auspices.

Opera events are open to the general public as well as the Forum’s speakers and guests.

The Founder of Meet in Galilee is Dr. Muriel Haim , a philanthropist, known due to her activity in “Un Coeur pour la Paix”, a charity project that provides life-saving medical treatment for Palestinian children in Hadassah hospital.  She comments that  “such events, that combine an agenda that is both relevant and valuable, with recreational element in it, are common and very popular around the world. In the uneasy reality where we stand today, and the changing world around us continually, holding an international event with a true value will state a variety of fields – economic, cultural and tourism. Culture is a great bridge connecting the economies, states and nations. We welcome the positive response of Israeli officials – Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Economy and Tourism, City of Akko and City of Haifa, that provide  support and help for “Meet in Galilee “.  The Minister of the Economy, Finances and Industry, Israel-France Chamber of Commerce and Industry and France – Israel Chamber of Commerce and Industry all expressed support for the initiative too. ”

The International Economic Forum will be held on 26.09.16 at the Elma Arts Complex Luxury Hotel in Zichron Yaacov. The Forum will also include a visit to the Technion – The Israel Institute of Technology.


The artistic program of “Meet in Galilee” is brought to Israel by  Les Talens Lyriques, a baroque opera ensemble under the direction of Christophe Rousset.

Both local opera lovers and international guests will enjoy two days of rich musical experience in the unique atmosphere of the Crusader Fortress of Akko.

“I am very enthusiastic about the idea of Meet in Galilee, which in no doubt will contribute to raising awareness of the baroque opera repertoire. I am convinced that the selection of the masterpieces that we are going to present in Akko will conquer the hearts of Israelis, and we are happy about our forthcoming artistic cooperation with the Israeli singers”, – says Christophe Rousset.

The festival will start on the 25th with 2 operas – “Acteon” by Marc-Antoine Charpentier and “Dido and Aeneas” by Purcell.

Israeli singers Anat Edri (soprano), Yair Polishook (bariton) and Daniela Skorka (soprano) will perform along international artists in these two performances only.

The highlight of the festival program is Handel’s “Alcina”, a production, accompanied by original video art created exclusively for the festival by a famous  American multimedia artist Naomie Kremer, herself of Israeli descent. This  will be screened directly onto the stone walls of the  Crusader fortress and serve as a backdrop to the show. Exotic landscapes of magic island, knights, fairies and fantastic animals will illustrate the story of the protagonist – Alcina, a seductress that attracts brave knights to her island and exercises her magic powers.

Meet Galilee  Schedule:

25.9, Sunday, 20:30   “Acteon” by Marc-Antoine Charpentier and “Dido and Aeneas” by Purcell.

26.9, Monday, 20:30   “Alcina” by Handel (video art by Naomi Kramer).

Ticket reservations:

Http:// /


How is technology changing the World and the Middle East? This issue will be adressed at the upcoming International Economic Forum ” Meet In Galilee”, September 25-26, Zichron Yaakov, Israel.

Supported by the Rotschild Foundation and Orange Foundation, “Meet In Galilee” aims to strengthen ties between Israel and other countries of the region and international corporations.

The Forum will take place at the Elma Luxury Hotel 25-26 September, 2016.

The Forum will host renown speakers, among them :

Jacques Biot – President of École polytechnique

Avi Hasson – Chief Scientist, Ministry of Economy State of Israel

Marko Erman – Senior VP, Chief Technical Officer Thales Group

Einat Zysman – CEO FUTURX

Yoelle Maarek – VP Head of Worldwide Yahoo Research
The updated programme of the forum follows.
For more information, interviews and accreditation please contact Esther Katz

Sunday, September 25

9:30 am – 1:30 pm • VISIT OF THE TECHNION

Monday, September 26

Zikhron Yaakov – Hotel Elma

8:00 – 8:45 am • REGISTRATION

8:45 – 9:00 am • WELCOMING NOTES

• Philippe Aghion – Honorary Chairman, France. • Muriel Haim – M.D. PhD, France.

9:00 – 9:45 am • KEYNOTE SPEAKERS

Pr. Philippe Aghion – Harvard & College de France, France. • Pr. Manuel Trajtenberg – Tel Aviv University, Israel.

9:45 – 10:45 am • PLENARY SESSION I

How governments and countries can embrace the digital transformation?

• Jacques Biot – President Polytechnique, France.
• Avi Hasson – Chief Scientist Ministry of Economy, Israel.
• Pr. Itzhak Ben Israel – Tel Aviv University, Israel.
• Pr. Manuel Trajtenberg – Tel Aviv University, Israel.
• Michel Cicurel – Chairman of the Board of Banque Leonardo, Executive President of La Maison.

10:45 – 11:15 am • COFFEE BREAK

11:15 – 12:30 pm • PLENARY SESSION II

How business can embrace the digital transformation?

• Dan Catarivas – Director, Division of Foreign Trade
& International Relations Manufacturers’ Association of Israel.

• Michel Collet – International Tax Partner CMS Francis Lefebvre, France. • Pr. Boaz Golany – Technion Vice President for External Relations

and Resource Development, Israel.
• Guy Horowitz – Deutsch Telekom Capital Partner, Israel.
• Julie Reiner – SNCF Head of M&A in charge of the coordination of SNCF Group in Israel, France. • Nathalie Boulanger – Senior VP Orange Start-up Ecosystem.

12:30 am – 2:00 pm • LUNCH

How technology is changing the World and the Middle East?


At the break out sessions, the economists will give overall view as candid economist on what they are going to listen to.

Moderator: Dominique d’Antonio – Economist: Alon Eisenberg

• Zohar Zisapel – CEO RAD, Israel.
• Rami Efrati – President FIRMITAS, Israel.
• Denis Attal – Vice President Technical, Critical Information Systems and Cybersecurity, Thales.

Moderator: Charles Woler – Economist: Pr. Mark Schankerman

• Ran Nussbaum – CEO PONTIFAX, Israel.
• Nissim Darvish – Senior Managing Director Orbimed, Israel.
• Regine Shevach – Managing Director INTERLAB (R&D Center of Merck Serono), Israel. • Einat Zysman – CEO FUTURX, Israel.
• Pini Orbach – Head of Pharma Arkin Holdings, Israel.

3 ROUND TABLE: FROM DATA MINING TO EDUCATED DECISION MAKING Moderator: Jeremy Harroch – Economist: Pr. Manuel Trajtenberg

• Yoelle Maarek – VP Head of Worldwide Yahoo Research, Israel.
• Mickey Steiner – Managing director SAP labs Chairman BETATEC, Israel. • David Bessis – Founder & CEO Tinyclues, France.
• Jérémy Harroch – Founder & CEO Qantmetry, France.

Moderator: Eric Hazan – Economist: Pr. Philippe Aghion

• Gad Proper – Chairman board of Directors L’Oreal, Israel.
• Raphaël Palti – Founder, Chairman and CEO Altavia, France. • Kevin Baxpehler – Head of ProSiebenSat1, Israel.
• Eric Hazan – VP Meet in Galilee & VP McKinsey, France.

Meet in Galilee, Economic Forum will be launched with Philippe Aghion, Alon Eisenberg, Mark Schankerman, Manuel Trajtenberg and Eric Hazan.

3:15 – 3:45 pm • CONCLUSION

Introduction: Philippe Aghion and Muriel Haim .
• Nicola Cobbold – Managing Director The Portland Trust. • Kito de Boer – Head of Mission Of ce of the Quartet.
• Isaac Molho – Adv. E.S. Shimron, I. Molho, Persky & Co.


Meet Daniel Rouach – President Israel-France Chamber of Commerce.
3:45 – 5:45 pm • B2B SESSIONS

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