Late on Thursday night, the coffins of the five Israeli victims murdered (together with the Bulgarian bus driver Mustafa Kyosov) in the terror attack in Burgas arrived in Israel. On Friday, five funerals will take place.
The following was written by Hadar Sela, and originally published at Harry’s Place
Thanks to CIF Watch for bringing this article to our attention.
Kochava Shriki was pregnant with her first child after years of fertility treatments and was on holiday with her husband Yitzhak. Elior Priess and Maor Harush, both from Acco, were childhood friends. Itzik Kolengi became a father four months ago. He and his wife Gilat – who was seriously wounded in the attack – had gone to Burgas for a long weekend with their friends Amir and Natali Menashe. Natali was also wounded.
All these people were targets of terror because of the simple fact that they are Jews.
That is what it boils down to. And – although it ought to be so obvious that it should not need spelling out – that is the bottom line of what people such as Clare Short and George Galloway who visit and collaborate with Hizballah ultimately excuse.
In less than a month’s time – on August 17th – the Iranian-backed, Charity Commission approved, UN recognised, pseudo human-rights organisation known as the IHRC will be holding its annual Al Quds Day festival of hatred in London.
Yet again, we are likely to see Hizballah flags and pro-Iranian regime paraphernalia on the streets of Britain’s capital city, together with incitement from the regime’s usual apologists.
Until the British government stops turning a conciliatory eye to this and the many other terrorism support networks operating openly in the UK, its pro forma condemnations of terror will remain nothing more than empty rhetoric.
It really is that simple.