Captain Or Ben Yehuda was awarded a citation for foiling an infiltration attempt by 23 terrorists last October. PHOTO: IDF Spokesman
Female IDF Commander Receives Citation for Foiling Major Infiltration of Terrorists.
Algemeiner News Service
A company commander in the Israeli army’s mixed-gender Caracal Battalion, was awarded a citation for foiling an attempt by 23 terrorists to infiltrate Israel through the Sinai border, Israel’s Channel 2 reported on Thursday.
On October 22, 2014, Captain Or Ben Yehuda and Staff Sergeant (ret.) Yuri Zoib identified a number of suspects approaching the border fence between Israel and Egypt. As they came close to the soldiers the perpetrators opened fire from three separate locations wounding both of them.
Ben Yehuda managed to return fire, in spite of bullet wounds to her upper body.
When the communications officer on the scene was also hit, she ran to assist him, sustaining an additional wound to her arm. She then crawled to the command vehicle, called for a medical evacuation and returned to the wounded soldier.
When medical personnel arrived, she ordered them to treat her fellow wounded soldier first.
The IDF citation read: “Through her actions, Captain Or, despite her wounds, demonstrated brotherhood and dedication to her soldiers, professionalism, cool-headedness under fire, mental fortitude and a willingness to carry out her job above and beyond the call of duty.”
Staff Sergeant Zoib, the company commander’s driver and a medic, was also awarded a citation. “Without waiting for an order, on his own initiative and under fire from terrorists, Staff Sergeant Yuri rescued the communications officer from danger, treated him and then began treating the other wounded soldiers in his company,” it stated. “He demonstrated solidarity and devotion to his fellow soldiers, even at risk to his own life.”
IDF Chief of General Staff Gadi Eizenkott approved the citations for Ben Yehuda and Zoib for their heroic efforts in preventing the infiltration.
Female IDF Commander Receives Citation for Foiling Major Infiltration of Terrorists.