
Expert Sources/Background as Israeli Building Freeze Expires

Netanyahu Clinton Abbas

On Sunday (Sept. 26) Israel’s 10-month moratorium on new building in the West Bank is scheduled to expire. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said the issue should be part of final status discussions as peace talks with the Palestinian Authority move forward. Netanyahu has reiterated he favors two states for two peoples – Israel and a future Palestinian state living side by side in peace and security. Palestinian leaders have threatened to walk out of the talks if building resumes, although Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said recently there was no alternative but to negotiate. The world is waiting to see if Abbas remains at the table or allows this issue to wreck the negotiations which are already showing promise.

Following is information to help you in your coverage of the peace process:

Updated Information for Israeli-Palestinian Direct Peace Talks to Begin September 2010:


Recent Related Press Releases:

Israel’s Withdrawals for Peace:

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