
Exodus 28 T’Tzavveh Priesthood Garments

“A uniform simultaneously invests the wearer with special authority(only special people can wear it) and diminishes the person’s personal authority(anyone wearing it acquires the sense of being special). “Without these prescribed garments, the Kohen is merely an ordinary individual and his ritual act becomes a personal gesture” [Hirsch]

(Etz Hayim Torah and Commentary Jewish Publication Society)

The Priestly Garments (28:1-5) As in the opening section on the Tabernacle itself we are now given a listing of what is to come, the clothing in which the priests will perform their sacred functions. The purpose of the objects is mentioned again, this time at the both the beginning and the end of the section.

In virtually all traditional religions such garments are of great importance, often signaling the status of the wearer as representative of the community(hence Aharon’s breastpiece in this chapter). An additional function, stressed in our account, is tat the garments somehow reflect God himself, through the use of certain colors and/or materials. That the term “glory” is used to indicate their function-a key term in the book, and always applied to God, never to Moshe, for instance-signals what is at stake.

The Breastpiece (28:15-30: The central garment in this section is the breastpiece, which seems to be some sort of woven pouch or bag. On the outside it displays precious stones, each one engraved with the name of an Israelite tribe; inside, it holds the oracular objects known as Urim and Tummin. In this passage, which is cast in poetic form, the narrator appears to be drawing attention to the specific function of the garments. Vv.29 and 30 repeat the phrase “over his/Aharon’s heart” (three times), “in the presence of YHWH ” (three times), and “regularly” (twice) to make clear their importance: Aharon represents the people whenever he officiates in the sanctuary, and bears the emblem of this office upon his very heart.

The Five Books of Moses, A New Translation with Introductions, Commentary, and Notes by Everett Fox. Schocken Bible: Volume 1

Now you, have come-near to you

Aharon your brother and his sons with him,

from amidst the Children of Israel,

to be-priests for me;


Nadav and Avihu, Elazar and Itamar, the sons of Aharon.

You are to make garments of holiness for Aharon your brother,

for glory and for splendor.

So you, speak to each who is wise of mind

whom I have filled with the spirit of practical-wisdom,

that they may make Aharon’s garments,

to hallow him, to be-priest for me.

And these are the garments that they are to make:

breastpiece and efod and tunic,

braided coat,

wound-turban and sash.

So they are to make garments of holiness

for Aharon your brother and for his sons,

to be-priests for me.

And they, they are to take gold, blue-violet, purple, worm-scarlet and byssus.


Phillip Ratner Exodus 28

Phillip Ratner Exodus 28

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