Erez Speiser

Erez Speiser – Israel by Foot-Hiking the Holy Land

Erez Speiser

Erez Speiser – Israel by Foot-Hiking the Holy Land

Whenever I travel abroad, I always try to spice up my trip with some hiking.

I believe that hiking is the best & deepest way to connect to the land that you are visiting.

In many cases, I need to struggle to obtain high-quality information on the subject.

–          What are the best routes?

–          Maps in English that are suitable for printing and mobile devices.

–          Reliable GPS files…….


When I hike in Israel, only on infrequent occasions, I will meet a tourist. When I tried to understand the reasons for this sad situation, my conclusion was – A tourist that does not speak Hebrew will find it very difficult to obtain the information he needs to hike independently in Israel.

The best example is that we don’t even have an Israel topographic map in English!!

After a while, I decided I will take the challenge to change this situation.

I created a new Website by the name Israel By Foot

I merged all my experience as an independent hiker in foreign countries that struggles to get the right information, and as a local Israeli Hiker for many years, to build a platform that will make it comfortable and safe for a tourist to hike in Israel.

I hope I did a good job. Only time & travelers will tell.

The site is only one month online. It is being expanded and continuously improved, and there are many ideas in the pipeline for the future.

Feel free to share with me your opinion & ideas for improvement.


I will continue with contributing from time to time items related to nature and active tourism in Israel.


Erez Speiser

Lives in Rakefet, Galilee, Israel.

By education a mechanical engineer. For the last decade holds a marketing position in a multi-national metal cutting tools company.

Passionate about nature and outdoors. Enjoys Hiking, Mountain biking & Surfing.

Loves Israel and tries to promote Hiking tourism in the country.

Founder & Manage of


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