Thanks to our friend and his staff @ Elder of Ziyon. Israel News Digest
Dutch paper actually reports truth from Gaza
Posted on: Monday 25 August 2014 — 02:00
Hamas in the city: invisible, but not gone
Monique van HoogstratenGAZA CITY – Since the war started, one population group in Gaza has disappeared from the streets: people in uniform. Army green uniforms, blue-grey uniforms, black uniforms, they were all over the place. From one day to the next they are gone, the men and the few women (of the women police unit) with a weapon or a truncheon in their hands.
They work for Hamas and are targets of Israel, which knows reasonably well who is where via drones in the sky and spies on the ground. So they go into hiding. Only at the Shifa Hospital, the big hospital in Gaza City, are a few sitting in uniform. There, they feel protected from the Israeli bombings. In addition, that is where they monitor the international press to prevent it from doing ‘wrong’ things.
Local camera crews know this, but foreigners do not: Hamas does not want killed or wounded fighters to appear on camera footage. The reasons are twofold. Not giving the enemy Israel PR ammunition, and maintaining high morale among its own population. ‘We suffer no losses’, is the message, ‘we bring a severe blow to Israel’.
“The most casualties are civilians”, says Hamas spokesperson Ihab al Ghoessein, who speaks to the press at the hospital compound about the question how many fighters have died in the war. He is standing before a tall poster with the text ‘The targets of the Israeli bombings are the homes of civilians. Our children live in fear, horror and panic’, illustrated with photos of killed children.
Al Ghoessein: “We hide nothing, like the Israeli’s do [hide things]. As you can see most dead are children and women.” Whether that is true does not matter for Hamas. Yes, there are many civilian casualties and most of the inhabitants of Gaza live in fear, but Hamas likes to exploit this for its PR. Hamas does not present any factual information about numbers of killed fighters or developments at the front. As it also does not want to be criticized by its own population.
“He does not dare to talk to you”, says the wife of someone who has been placed under house arrest because he is known for criticizing Hamas. She too does not dare to tell his story, because ‘we are being watched’. This is the case for most people who are no friends with Hamas. When there was no war yet, they did dare to talk. Not anymore.
Over seventy members of Fatah, the party of President Abbas in the West Bank and very much hated by Hamas, supposedly have been placed under house arrest. This is what sources say in the West Bank. The Fatah supporters have been told that they ‘should stay at home for their own safety’ and that ‘every violation of this order makes you a target for punishment in the field’ – meaning: death penalty.
“The minority that criticizes Hamas that wonders whether it was wise to provoke this war with Israel”, says political analyst Mukhaimer Abu Saada, who now lives in Gaza City himself, “does not dare to say it now, because we are in the middle of the war.”
Although the uniforms might have disappeared from the streets, Hamas has not. High-ranking members monitor in civilian clothes. Whoever talks about Hamas critically on the streets is immediately spoken to. Whoever poses a critical question near security men of Hamas, but also far from them, receives the reply: “You cannot ask that question,” or “I do not want to answer that question.” In war no one is allowed to be a traitor.
What is remarkable is that Trouw does not exactly have a pro-Israel record.
+972 Mag will believe anything – as long as it is anti-Israel Posted on: Sunday 24 August 2014 — 23:00 Ultra-left +972 magazine has an exclusive!
Anyone who even glances at this “testimony” objectively can see that it makes no sense. Israelis relying on a 16-year old to search for hidden tunnels? Spending 5 days with him while fighting is going on? Making him dig tunnels with his bare hands?
The charges are so absurd that only a crazed anti-Israel activist could believe it. Not surprisingly, the original affidavit that +972 received “exclusively” came from DCI-Palestine. How reliable is DCI-Palestine? I researched that last month: DCI-Palestine lied about the number of children killed in Operation Cast Lead, and they consistently report kids killed by Palestinian Arab rockets as being killed by Israel. Even when other NGOs confirmed that children were engaged in fighting during Cast Lead, DCI-P claimed that they couldn’t find any good witnesses so they counted them as being innocents. DCI-Palestine openly admits that it “develops its programs and acts according to Palestinian children’s needs and Palestinian priorities.” In other words, its objectivity is zero. DCI-Palestine describes its methodology here:
This means that the way DCI (and Al-Mezan) work is that every case of “torture” that they document is either self-reported or they go out of their way to find them. And if there are inconsistencies, what do they do?
An organization that admits up front that it is biased says that rather than discard any inconsistent testimony as being unreliable, they go back and massage the reports until they fit together better with the other “facts” that they handpicked to begin with! This is a fancy way of admitting that they coax the “witnesses” to lie, or at the very least to shade the truth until they fit the agendas of the Israel-hating NGOs. DCI-P claims that some 75% of under-18s arrested are tortured. But they hand-pick the people who make the most ludicrous claims to come up with this utter fantasy of a statistic. For some reason, +972 thinks that there is something magic about an “affidavit” that makes it less likely that it is a lie. But the fact is that any kid in Gaza who seeks fame and fortune can go to the DCI-Palestine website, make up a story, and have a team of “professionals” work at making sure that it fits their explicit anti-Israel agenda. You just know they use leading questions to elicit the most insane responses. +972, of course, eats this all up without the slightest skepticism. It is not a mystery that the co-founder of +972 just reiterated that he believes Zionism to be racism. Israel News Digest
Hamas jittery after leaders killed, arrests 150 more potential “collaborators” within the group Posted on: Sunday 24 August 2014 — 21:00 From Al Bawaba:
(h/t Yoel) |
08/24 Links: IDF Soldier Reveals Extent of Hamas Human Shields; 570 Rockets Fired in 5 Days Posted on: Sunday 24 August 2014 — 19:00 From Ian:
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San Francisco State University Funds Hatred Towards Jews (Mike Lumish) Posted on: Sunday 24 August 2014 — 17:00
San Francisco State University funds hatred toward Jews. Between December 24 of last year and June 26 of this I published ten pieces concerning racism toward Jews at San Francisco State University. These pieces concerned themselves with facts such as: 1) SFSU funds student organizations, such as the General Union of Palestine Students (GUPS), that calls for the murder of Jews, whom they call “colonizers.” 2) In the last academic year, Muhammad Hammad, the former president of GUPS held up a blade, took a “selfie,” and then published it on a social media site and talked about his desire to kill Jews.
Of course, anti-Jewish malice is nothing new at San Francisco State University up to, and including, mob violence. When I was there at the end of the 1990s Jewish students often faced Arab student organizations, in coordination with the pan-African student group, that regularly demonized Jews on the SFSU campus for their support of Israel. I will never forget walking past Malcolm X Plaza, in front of the Cesar Chavez Student Center, and seeing Arab students and Black students holding aloft an American flag with fifty little Stars of David in it. I guarantee you that almost every member of the tiny Jewish minority on that campus, who walked by that display, understood very well in a visceral way what they were being told. It was this: You better watch your ass. After I graduated things apparently got worse at SFSU. Todd Gitlin, sociologist, political scientist, and former student radical, writing in Mother Jones Magazine on June 17, 2002, quotes former director of Jewish Studies at San Francisco State University, Laurie Zoloth:
Writing in the San Francisco Chronicle on Tuesday, December 14, 2004, Cinnamon Stillwell tells us this:
But even as far back as the early-middle 1960s certain anti-Jewish ideologues were already establishing hatred toward Jews as part of the university atmosphere. I recently did a little digging into the SFSU special collections archives on, what is for me, a defunct project, but came across this interesting tid-bit: The above is an article from the SFSC Daily Gator dated March 23, 1966. The Gator reports that for three years running people painted Swastikas over an Israeli flag which San Francisco State College’s chapter of the American-Israeli Cultural Organization displayed for various functions. The writer and editors, needless to say, assume that the vandals were either random “vandalists” or Nazis. San Francisco State College, between 1964 and 1966, did not have a whole lot of Nazis among the student population, nor was the campus conveniently accessible from the rest of the city. There were heart-felt, politically-innocent folk singers there, to be sure. There were proto-hippies beginning to experiment with psychedelics as a potential means toward an “expanded consciousness.” There were young, goateed political radicals gearing up for the fight against the Vietnam War and what Eisenhower called the “military-industrial complex.” And there were young “negro” students such as future movie star, Danny Glover, beginning to rethink their relationship with the college and American society, as a whole. But, Nazis? Not so much. The bottom line is that San Francisco State University has a long history of hostility toward the Jewish people that is expressed both in student body activity, which sometimes takes the form of a violent mob, and almost always takes the form of administrative dithering and indifference. The only real question I have is whether or not the university intends to continue funding anti-Jewish hatred going forward? But it is not really much of a question. I know that they will. Just ask professor Fred Astren, the current SFSU Chair of the Department of Jewish Studies. He’ll tell you, maybe. And if he will not, I bet Tammi Benjamin of the AMCHA Initiative and the University of California, Santa Cruz, might have something to say on the matter. Michael Lumish is a blogger at the Israel Thrives blog as well as a regular contributor/blogger at Times of Israel and Jews Down Under. |
Ha’aretz publishes another Amira Hass piece filled with lies and slander Posted on: Sunday 24 August 2014 — 14:30 From Amira Hass at Ha’aretz:
Oh, a Hamas activist said it! It must be true! This is of course a lie. Hamas hid the names of its “martyrs” after Cast Lead, and they were adding new ones for months on their website afterwards. In the end, the 49 that they admitted were killed during the operation ballooned up to between 600-700 that they admitted much later. No families of the “martyrs” seemed too upset then.
The Facebook post was not the only expression of Hamas being upset at revealing the names of fighters. At the very beginning of the war Hamas’ Interior Ministry released a statement – on Facebook, YouTube and its own website – commanding Gazans (especially those on social networking sites) to call everyone an innocent civilian. Hass’ supposed debunking of this Facebook post does not address the explicit instructions of Hamas earlier, nor the threats against reporters who crossed the line. Also, there is no evidence that the IDF targets families of the terrorists they kill afterwards. This is a fantasy that Hamas made up, and a slander that Hass repeats. Not only that, but PCHR stopped identifying “members of armed groups” in their daily reports in July, before this Facebook post. They never did this in Cast Lead or Pillar of Defense. It seems fairly obvious that Hamas gave them a friendly visit telling them what they are and aren’t allowed to report – and it has nothing to do with supposedly protecting Gaza families of terrorists already killed.
While B’Tselem’s methods of verifying who is a terrorist are laughable, even they found more than one case of a terrorist killed in the bombings. They found 9 “military branch operatives” hiding in the civilian homes that they could verify. The terrorists B’Tselem identified generally do not share the last names of the families in the houses, meaning that they were either using the families as human shields or the families were knowingly harboring them. That accounts for the deaths of 66 of those killed in those houses – according to B’Tselem. Chances are very good that there were far more that B’tselem’s telephone researchers did not identify – because Gazans are instructed to lie, the most important fact that Hass is trying to whitewash.
If the PCHR and Al Mezan Center were anything close to as conscientious as Hass claims, such mistakes would be impossible. Hass then goes on to make unsubstantiated claims to explain why a lopsided number of victims are young males of fighting age. CAMERA takes that apart as well. There is nothing credible in this article. Which makes it perfect for Haaretz. Interestingly, unlike most of its stories, Haaretz is apparently so eager to push Hass’ Hamas agitprop that it did not place it behind their paywall as they usually do within 24 hours of publication. |
Posted on: Sunday 24 August 2014 — 11:30
Time magazine has a feature this week on narcissism, talking about how small children are necessarily narcissistic:
Small children, by their very nature, are moral monsters. They’re greedy, demanding, violent, selfish, impulsive and utterly remorseless. They fight constantly with playmates and siblings but scream in pain and indignation if they’re attacked in return. They expect to be adored but not disciplined, rewarded but never penalized, cared for and served by parents and family without caring or serving reciprocally.
All of this is psychopathology of the first order–and narcissistic pathology in particular. There is the entitlement of narcissism, the egocentrism of narcissism, the bottomless appetite for attention and rewards of narcissism. And there’s the utter narcissistic numbness to how others suffer from your behavior. But it’s also a kind of narcissism that babies need for their very survival. Psychologists’ growing understanding of the roots and reasons for this behavior–and why some people never grow out of it–is providing insights into how best to manage the healthily narcissistic baby in your life, as well as the less healthily narcissistic adults.
I have previously described Palestinian Arabs as having the emotional maturity of toddlers, but I never really connected it to narcissism before. Yet this description, modified slightly, is dead-on:
Palestinian Arab society, in its very nature, creates moral monsters. Their members are greedy, demanding, violent, selfish, impulsive and utterly remorseless. They fight constantly with internal and external enemies but scream in pain and indignation if they’re attacked in return. They expect to be adored but not disciplined, rewarded but never penalized, cared for and served by the UN and other Arab countries without caring or serving reciprocally.
All of this is psychopathology of the first order–and narcissistic pathology in particular. There is the entitlement of narcissism, the egocentrism of narcissism, the bottomless appetite for attention and rewards of narcissism. And there’s the utter narcissistic numbness to how others suffer from your behavior.
Of course, not every Palestinian Arab acts like a spoiled child. Many of the more mature and ambitious ones moved out long ago, to Gulf countries and Europe, rather than being stuck in UNRWA camps taking handouts forever. But the way that the PLO and Hamas act – along with generations who have grown up with their culture of entitlement – shows that Arab narcissism is not genetic but learned.
Take the very basic human trait of empathy. While Israelis are expected to show empathy for the innocents of Gaza – and they indeed do – no one expects Palestinian Arabs to show empathy for the suffering of anyone. Look at the violent reactions to the very idea of teaching the Holocaust in UNRWA schools a few years ago, or the sickening reactions to a professor taking students to visit Nazi death camps only this year. This utter lack of empathy was documented by famed writer Martha Gellhorn as far back as 1961:
Narcissists don’t have empathy. Narcissists need to be the center of attention. Narcissists are jealous when the world turns its attention elsewhere, so they do outrageous acts to refocus attention on them. Narcissists attack others but whine when they are attacked. Narcissists don’t believe that the rules that everyone else lives by apply to them.
What is remarkable is that so many people take the side of the narcissists, enabling them to not only continue to act like spoiled children but empowering them to do even more outrageous deeds, secure that their selfishness will forever be rewarded.
However, in the case of Palestinians, the support that they receive isn’t the type of adoration that Hollywood stars are likely to have – it isn’t out of love of their cause. If that was so, there would be far more support for Palestinian Arabs suffering in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and facing discrimination throughout the Arab world.
No, the Palestinian Arabs receive the bulk of their support not out of love but out of shared hate – seething, irrational hate of Israel.
This perfect storm of anti-Zionism and Palestinian Arab narcissism is self-enforcing. Until the world gets sick of coddling the selfishness and destructive nature of the Palestinian Arabs, there is no chance for peace.
Because you cannot reach a compromise with a party that believes that they deserve it all.
Israel News Digest