Ratner has designed a figure holding a lamp with a light shining at the center of his body.
The design of the lamp has a Magen David (Star of David) design on it.
The Solar theme can be interpreted as the place of the Solar Plexus in the body.
In the Jewish tradition this Solar Plexus area in the human body is associated with the Sefirah of Tiferet on the Kabalistic Tree of Life (look at Sephirot in Wikipedia). Tiferet is associated with symmetry, balance, compassion, and beauty.
This is also related to the Indian tradition of the chakra (look at Wikipedia-chakra) which is derived from the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit which means a wheel or a vortex of energy. Chakras are energy centers in the body that are located at the major branching of the human nervous system. In the Hindu model, the Solar Plexus (Manipura) is yellow in color, as is the Ratner image. It deals with dynamism, will, determination, assertion, personal power, laughter, joy, and sight.
It is situated near the navel, just where the lamp is placed in the Ratner image.
This may also remind one of the ancient Greek Diogenes of Sinope, the Cynic who spent his days walking the streets of Athens with a lighted lantern looking for a completely honest man- he never found one.
The Eternal Light is placed above the Torah Ark in the Synagogue representing the presence of God. Perhaps Ratner is suggesting that the place to find honesty is through Torah.