This was originally posted by Yaakov in a Yishuv( a settlement) in Israel where he lives with his wife and children. I thought that in time of war it is particularly important to be weary of claims by Hamas. This is one episode.
On January 3rd, a link was seeded titled “Israeli Airstrike on Gaza Street Market: Graphic Content. The link text was “WARNING; EXTREMELY GRAPHIC CONTENT. Do not watch this if you are sensitive to graphic footage of violence” and it linked to a video on that purported to show what happened after “Israel just bombed a large civilian street market in Gaza.”
Now compare that video with the video found here: Raw; (2005) Hamas Weapons Parade Accident Kills 15, including kids. Look familiar? It should (reference: LGF):
A pickup truck carrying masked militants blew up at a Hamas rally on Friday, killing at least 15 Palestinians and wounding 80, The PA Interior Ministry confirmed.
Witnesses said the truck carried homemade weapons, and Palestinian security officials said the blast apparently was caused by the mishandling of weapons. Hamas blamed Israel, saying Israeli aircraft flew overhead during the rally. Israel denied it was involved.
Seven of the wounded were in serious condition, hospital doctors said.
The rally was held in the Jebaliya refugee camp. Witnesses said participants crowded around the pickup truck carrying militants when the explosion went off. The witnesses said the truck carried homemade weapons.
Now read the comment on the original thread on reddit that publicized the “Israel attack on the Gaza Street Market” which provides links to video footage and photographs of the real event from three years ago when this video was taken.
Israel did not bomb a crowded street market in Gaza yesterday.Shame on the vast majority of the 256 comments on the original thread that accepted the fictitious claim of Israel’s guilt without any hesitation, who took a report from as gospel (don’t you think that in their zeal to report anything negative of Israel that one of the mainstream media networks would have reported this?) and who had no problem bashing anyone who stepped to Israel’s defense. The carnage that you see here is the result of the Hamas terrorist organization showing off the power of their own “harmless” explosives that they send over to Israel. These are the weapons that are sent into Sderot, Ashdod, Ashkelon and Beer Sheva. I will be waiting (but not holding my breath) for apologies.
Update: Thanks to Dennis for promptly updating the text of his seed with a correction/update relating to this issue.